VCCHG: LCD regulated voltage switching register (FF60HD1)
Selects the reference voltage for the LCD drive voltage.
When "1" is written: VC2
When "0" is written: VC1
Reading: Valid
When "1" is written to the VCCHG register, the LCD system voltage circuit generates the LCD drive
voltage as VC2 standard. When "0" is written, it becomes VC1 standard. Select VC2 when power supply
voltage is 2.6 V or more, otherwise, select VC1.
When external power mode is selected by the mask option, this control is unnecessary.
At initial reset, this register is set to "0".
ALON: LCD all ON control register (FF61HD1)
Displays the all LCD dots ON.
When "1" is written: All LCD dots displayed
When "0" is written: Normal display
Reading: Valid
By writing "1" to the ALON register, all the LCD dots goes ON, and when "0" is written, it returns to
normal display.
This function outputs an ON waveform to the SEG terminals, and does not affect the content of the
display memory.
ALON has priority over ALOFF.
At initial reset, this register is set to "0".
ALOFF: LCD all OFF control register (FF61HD2)
Fade outs the all LCD dots.
When "1" is written: All LCD dots fade out
When "0" is written: Normal display
Reading: Valid
By writing "1" to the ALOFF register, all the LCD dots goes OFF, and when "0" is written, it returns to
normal display.
This function outputs an OFF waveform to the SEG terminals, and does not affect the content of the
display memory.
At initial reset, this register is set to "1".
LC3–LC0: LCD contrast adjustment register (FF62H)
Adjusts the LCD contrast.
LC3–LC0 = 0000B
LC3–LC0 = 1111B
At room temperature, use setting number 7 or 8 as standard.
When the LCD drive voltage is supplied from outside by the mask option selection, this adjustment
becomes invalid.
At initial reset, LC0–LC3 are undefined.
4.7.7 Programming notes
Because at initial reset, the contents of display memory and LC3–LC0 (LCD contrast) are undefined, there
is need to initialize by the software. Furthermore, take care of the registers LPWR and ALOFF because
these are set so that the display goes OFF.