MPC5567 Microcontroller Data Sheet, Rev. 2
Revision History for the MPC5567 Data Sheet
Freescale Semiconductor
Table 35. Table and Figure Changes Between Rev. 0.0 and 1.0
Description of Changes
Removed the 2 in the tape and reel designator in both the graphic and in the Tape and Reel Status text.
Changed Qualification Status by adding ‘, general market flow’ to the M designator, and added an ‘S’ designator
with the description of ‘Fully spec. qualified, automotive flow.
Removed temperature code A for -55 C to 125 C.
Changed the 132 MHz maximum operating frequency to 135 MHz.
Reordered rows to group devices by lead-free package types in descending frequency order, and leaded
package types.
Footnote 1 added that reads: All devices are PPC5567, rather than MPC5567 or SPC5567, until product
qualifications are complete. Not all configurations are available in the PPC parts.
Footnote 2 added that reads:’ The lowest ambient operating temperature is referenced by TL; the highest ambient
operating temperature is referenced by TH.’
Footnote 3 added that reads: ‘Speed is the nominal maximum frequency. Max speed is the maximum speed
allowed including frequency modulation (FM). 82 MHz parts allow for 80 MHz system clock + 2% FM; 114 MHz
parts allow for 112 MHz system clock + 2% FM; and 135 MHz parts allow for 132 MHz system clock + 2% FM.’
Deleted Spec 3, “Flash core voltage.”
Spec 12 “DC Input Voltage”: Deleted from second line‘. . .except for eTPUB15 and SINB (DSPI_B_SIN)’ leaving
VDDEH powered I/O pads. Deleted third line ‘VDDEH powered by I/O pads (eTPUB15 and SINB), including the min
and max values of -0.3 and 6.5 respectively, and deleted old footnote 7.
Spec 12 “DC Input Voltage”: Added footnote 8 to second line “VDDE powered I/O pads” that reads: ‘Internal
structures hold the input voltage less than the maximum voltage on all pads powered by the VDDE supplies, if the
maximum injection current specification is met (s mA for all pins) and VDDE is within the operating voltage
Spec 14, column 2, changed: ‘VSS differential voltage’ to ‘VSS to VSSA differential voltage.’
Spec 15, column 2, changed: ‘VDD differential voltage’ to ‘VDD to VDDA differential voltage.’
Spec 21, Added the name of the spec, ‘VRC33 to VDDSYN differential voltage,’ as well as the name and cross
reference to Table 9, DC Electrical Specifications, to which the Spec was moved.
Spec 26. Changed -40 to TL in the Min. column.
Spec 28 “Maximum Solder Temperature”: Added two lines:
Lead free (PbFree) and Leaded (SnPb) with maximum values of 260 C and 245 C respectively.
Footnote 1, added: ‘a(chǎn)ny of’ between ‘beyond’ and ‘the listed maxima.’
Deleted footnote 2: ‘Absolute maximum voltages are currently maximum burn-in voltages. Absolute maximum
specifications for device stress have not yet been determined.’Spec 26 “Maximum Operating Temperature
Range”: replaced -40 C with.
Footnote 6 (now footnote 5): Changed to the following sentence to the end, “Internal structures hold the input
voltage greater than -1.0 V if the injection current limit of 2 mA is met. Keep the negative DC voltage greater than
-0.6 V on eTPU[15] and on SINB during the internal power-on reset (POR) state.”
Table 3 MPC5567 Thermal Characteristics: Moved the Unit column to the far right column in the table.
Table 4 EMI Testing Specifications:
Changed the maximum operating frequency to from 132 to fMAX.
Footnote 2: Deleted ‘Refer to Table 1 for the maximum operating frequency.’