Normal Mode
Sleep Mode
Normal Mode
EN = H/L
Figure 16. Operating of Power On and Undervoltage RESET
*reference Figure 1 Block Diagram
Switching into sleep mode can be done independently
from the current transceiver state. That means if the
transmitter is in dominant state this state will be cancelled
and it will be switched to recessive state.
This is the poweronreset state of the NCV7361A,
while VSUP < VSUVR_OFF. If the prior state was sleep mode,
the NCV7361A switches via the Inistate to normal mode.
This is an intermediate state, which will pass through
after switchon of VSUP or VOUT. The NCV7361A remains
in this state if VOUT is below VRES (Reset Output = L) and
Thermal Shutdown
If the junction temperature TJ is higher than TJSHD
°C), the NCV7361A will be switched into the
thermal shutdown mode. The behavior within this mode is
comparable with the sleep mode except for LIN transceiver
operating. The transceiver is completely disabled, no
wakeup functionality is available.
If TJ falls below the thermal recovery temperature TJREC
(typical 140
°C) the NCV7361A will be recover to the
previous state (normal or sleep).
Initialization is started if the power supply is switched on
as well as every rising edge on of the NCV7361A via the
EN pin.
VSUP Power On
If VSUP is switched on the NCV7361A starts to normal
mode via the POR and Inistate. A combination of
dynamic POR and undervoltage reset circuitry generates a
POR signal, which switches the NCV7361A into normal
mode. This power on behavior is independent from the
status of the EN pin.
PoweronReset and undervoltage reset operates
independent from each other, which secures the
independence from the rise time of VSUP. During fast VSUP
edges the PoweronReset will be active. If the increasing
of VSUP is very slow (> 1 ms/V) the undervoltage reset unit
initializes the voltage regulator if VSUP > VSUVR_OFF
(typical 3.5 V).
The effects of both POR circuits at different VSUP slopes
After POR the voltage regulator starts and VOUT will be
output. If VOUT > VMResthe bus interface will be activated.
If the VOUT voltage level is higher than VRES, the reset time
tRes = 100 ms is started. After tRes the RESET output
switches from low to high (Figure
16).Start of Linear Regulator via WakeUp
The initialization is only being done for the VOUT
circuitry parts. This procedure begins with leaving the
master reset state (VOUT > VMRes) and runs in the same
manner as the VSUP PowerOn.
If the regulator is put into sleep mode it can be
“wakedup” with the BUS interface. Every pulse on the
BUS (high pulse or low pulse) with a pulse width of
minimum 60
ms switches on the regulator.
After the BUS has “wakedup” the regulator, it can only
be switched off with a high level followed by a low level
on the EN pin.
VSUP Undervoltage Reset
The undervoltage detection unit inhibit an undefined
behavior of the NCV7361A under low voltage condition.
If VSUP drops below VSUVR_ON (typical 3 V) the
undervoltage detection becomes active and the IC will be
switched to POR state. The following increasing of VSUP
above VSUVR_OFF (typical 3.5 V) cancels this POR state
and the voltage regulator starts with the initialization
VSUP Undervoltage in Normal Mode
Supply Voltages below VSUVR_OFF do not influence the
voltage regulator. The output voltage VOUT follows VSUP.