Data Sheet
Zarlink Semiconductor Inc.
The serial microport, compatible with Intel MCS-51 (mode 0), Motorola SPI (CPOL=0,CPHA=0) and National
Semiconductor Microwire specifications provides access to all MT91L60/61 internal read and write registers. This
microport consists of a transmit/receive data pin (DATA1), a receive data pin (DATA2), a chip select pin (CS) and a
synchronous data clock pin (SCLK). For D-channel contention control, in ST-BUS mode, this interface provides an
open-drain interrupt output (IRQ).
The microport dynamically senses the state of the serial clock (SCLK) each time chip select becomes active. The
device then automatically adjusts its internal timing and pin configuration to conform to Intel or Motorola/National
requirements. If SCLK is high during chip select activation then Intel mode 0 timing is assumed. The DATA1 pin is
defined as a bi-directional (transmit/receive) serial port and DATA2 is internally disconnected. If SCLK is low during
chip select activation then Motorola/National timing is assumed. Motorola processor mode CPOL=0, CPHA=0 must
be used. DATA1 is defined as the data transmit pin while DATA2 becomes the data receive pin. Although the dual
port Motorola controller configuration usually supports full-duplex communication, only half-duplex communication
is possible in the MT91L60/61. The micro must discard non-valid data which it clocks in during a valid write transfer
to the MT91L60/61. During a valid read transfer from the MT91L60/61 data simultaneously clocked out by the micro
is ignored by the MT91L60/61.
All data transfers through the microport are two-byte transfers requiring the transmission of a Command/Address
byte followed by the data byte written or read from the addressed register. CS must remain asserted for the
duration of this two-byte transfer. As shown in Figures 5 and 6 the falling edge of CS indicates to the MT91L60/61
that a microport transfer is about to begin. The first 8 clock cycles of SCLK after the falling edge of CS are always
used to receive the Command/Address byte from the microcontroller. The Command/Address byte contains
information detailing whether the second byte transfer will be a read or a write operation and at what address. The
next 8 clock cycles are used to transfer the data byte between the MT91L60/61 and the microcontroller. At the end
of the two-byte transfer CS is brought high again to terminate the session. The rising edge of CS will tri-state the
output driver of DATA1 which will remain tri-stated as long as CS is high.
Intel processors utilize least significant bit first transmission while Motorola/National processors employ most
significant bit first transmission. The MT91L60/61 microport automatically accommodates these two schemes for
normal data bytes. However, to ensure decoding of the R/W and address information, the Command/Address byte
is defined differently for Intel operation than it is for Motorola/National operation. Refer to the relative timing
diagrams of Figures 5 and 6.
Receive data is sampled on the rising edge of SCLK while transmit data is made available concurrent with the
falling edge of SCLK.