This mode can be used to implement a loudspeaking
function where the receive audio is routed to the
pins and transmit audio is sourced from the
MIC+ pin. In this mode there is no algorithmic
cancellation of echo so it is recommended that this
switched loss program be used only in 4-wire
systems (i.e., digital set to digital set).
Transducer Interfaces
Four standard telephony transducer interfaces plus
an auxiliary I/O are provided by the IDPC. These are:
The handset microphone inputs (transmitter),
pins M+/M- and the answerback microphone
input MIC+. The nominal transmit path gain
may be adjusted to either 6.0dB or 15.3dB.
Control of this gain is provided by the TxINC
control bit (Control register 2, address 0Fh).
This gain adjustment is in addition to the
programmable gain provided by the transmit
filter and Digital Gain circuit.
The handset speaker outputs (receiver), pins
.Thisinternallycompensated, fully differential
output driver is capable of driving the load
shown in Figure 4. The nominal handset
receive path gain may be adjusted to either -
12.1 dB or -9.6 dB. Control of this gain is
provided by the RxINC control bit (Control
register 2, address 0Fh). This gain adjustment
is in addition to the programmable gain
provided by the receive filter and Digital Gain
The loudspeaker outputs, pins SPKR+/SPKR-.
This internally compensated, fully differential
output driver is capable of directly driving 6.5v
p-p into a 40 ohm load.
The Auxiliary Port provides an analog I/O, pins
AUXin and AUXout, for connection of external
equipment to the CODEC path as well as
allowing access to the speaker driver circuits.
AUXin is a single ended high impedance
input (>10 Kohm). This is a self-biased
input with a maximum input range of
2.5vp-p. Signals should be capacitor-
coupled to this input.
AUXout is a buffered output capable of
driving 40 Kohms//150 pF. Signals for this
output are derived from the receive path or
from the AUXin and transmit microphones.
Auxiliary port path gains are:
Refer to the application diagrams of Figures 10 and
11 for typical connections to this analog I/O section.
Figure 4 - Handset Speaker Driver
The serial microport, compatible with Intel MCS-51
(mode 0), Motorola SPI (CPOL=0,CPHA=0) and
National Semiconductor Microwire specifications
provides access to all IDPC internal read and write
registers. This microport consists of a transmit/
receive data pin (DATA1), a receive data pin
(DATA2), a chip select pin (CS) and a synchronous
data clock pin (SCLK).
The microport dynamically senses the state of the
serial clock each time chip select becomes active.
The device then automatically adjusts its internal
timing and pin configuration to conform to Intel or
Motorola/National requirements. If SCLK is high
during chip select activation then Intel mode 0 timing
is assumed. The DATA1 pin is defined as a bi-
directional (transmit/receive) serial port and DATA2 is
internally disconnected. If SCLK is low during chip
select activation then Motorola/National timing is
assumed. Motorola processor mode CPOL=0,
CPHA=0 must be used. DATA1 is defined as the data
transmit pin while DATA2 becomes the data receive
pin. Although the dual port Motorola controller
communication, only half-duplex communication is
possible in IDPC. The micro must discard non-valid
data which it clocks in during a valid write transfer to
AUXin to Dout
Din to AUXout
AUXin to AUXout
11 dB
20.3 dB
-12 dB
-7.0 dB
-1.1 dB
1.4 dB
5.0 dB
150 ohm