M29DW324DT, M29DW324DB
There are five standard bus operations that control
the device. These are Bus Read, Bus Write, Out-
put Disable, Standby and Automatic Standby.
The Dual Bank architecture of the M29DW324D
allows read/write operations in Bank A, while read
operations are being executed in Bank B or vice
versa. Write operations are only allowed in one
bank at a time.
See Tables
3 and
4, Bus Operations, for a summa-
ry. Typically glitches of less than 5ns on Chip En-
able or Write Enable are ignored by the memory
and do not affect bus operations.
Bus Read. Bus Read operations read from the
memory cells, or specific registers in the Com-
mand Interface. A valid Bus Read operation in-
volves setting the desired address on the Address
Inputs, applying a Low signal, VIL, to Chip Enable
and Output Enable and keeping Write Enable
High, VIH. The Data Inputs/Outputs will output the
tails of when the output becomes valid.
Bus Write. Bus Write operations write to the
Command Interface. A valid Bus Write operation
begins by setting the desired address on the Ad-
dress Inputs. The Address Inputs are latched by
the Command Interface on the falling edge of Chip
Enable or Write Enable, whichever occurs last.
The Data Inputs/Outputs are latched by the Com-
mand Interface on the rising edge of Chip Enable
or Write Enable, whichever occurs first. Output En-
able must remain High, VIH, during the whole Bus
Write operation. See Figures
13 and
14, Write AC
Waveforms, and Tables
14 and
15, Write AC
Characteristics, for details of the timing require-
Output Disable. The Data Inputs/Outputs are in
the high impedance state when Output Enable is
High, VIH.
Standby. When Chip Enable is High, VIH, the
memory enters Standby mode and the Data In-
puts/Outputs pins are placed in the high-imped-
ance state. To reduce the Supply Current to the
Standby Supply Current, ICC2, Chip Enable should
be held within VCC ± 0.2V. For the Standby current
During program or erase operations the memory
will continue to use the Program/Erase Supply
Current, ICC3, for Program or Erase operations un-
til the operation completes.
Automatic Standby. If CMOS levels (VCC ± 0.2V)
are used to drive the bus and the bus is inactive for
300ns or more the memory enters Automatic
Standby where the internal Supply Current is re-
duced to the Standby Supply Current, ICC2. The
Data Inputs/Outputs will still output data if a Bus
Read operation is in progress.
Special Bus Operations
Additional bus operations can be performed to
read the Electronic Signature and also to apply
and remove Block Protection. These bus opera-
tions are intended for use by programming equip-
ment and are not usually used in applications.
They require VID to be applied to some pins.
Electronic Signature. The
codes, the manufacturer code and the device
code, that can be read to identify the memory.
These codes can be read by applying the signals
listed in Tables
3 and
4, Bus Operations.
Block Protect and Chip Unprotect. Groups
blocks can be protected against accidental Pro-
gram or Erase. The Protection Groups are shown
dresses. The whole chip can be unprotected to al-
low the data inside the blocks to be changed.
The VPP/Write Protect pin can be used to protect
the two outermost boot blocks. When VPP/Write
Protect is at VIL the two outermost boot blocks are
protected and remain protected regardless of the
Block Protection Status or the Reset/Block Tem-
porary Unprotect pin status.
Block Protect and Chip Unprotect operations are