and VOUT. VIN follows at a slower rate as set by the VIN
bypass capacitor. At time point 2, VIN exceeds VLKO and
the internal logic checks for VUVHI < UV/OV < VOVLO,
all conditions are met, an initial timing cycle starts and the
TIMER capacitor is charged by a 5.8
A current source
pull-up. At time point 3, TIMER reaches the VTMRH thresh-
old and the initial timing cycle terminates. The TIMER
capacitor is then quickly discharged. At time point 4, the
VTMRL threshold is reached and the conditions of GATE <
VGATEL and SENSE < VCB must be satisfied before a start-
up cycle is allowed to begin. GATE sources 58
A into the
external MOSFET gate and compensation network. When
the GATE voltage reaches the MOSFET’s threshold,
current begins flowing into the load capacitor. At time
point 5, the SENSE voltage (VSENSE – VEE ) reaches the VCB
threshold and activates the TIMER. The TIMER capacitor
is charged by a 230
A current-source pull-up. At time
point 6, the analog current limit loop activates. Between
time point 6 and time point 7, the GATE voltage is held
essentially constant and the sense voltage is regulated at
VACL. As the load capacitor nears full charge, its current
begins to decline. At point 7, the load current falls and the
sense voltage drops below VACL. The analog current limit
loop shuts off and the GATE pin ramps further. At time
point 8, the sense voltage drops below VCB and TIMER
now discharges through a 5.8
A current source pull-
down. At time point 9, GATE reaches its maximum voltage
as determined by VIN.
Live Insertion with Short Pin Control of UV/OV
In this example as shown in Figure 8, power is delivered
through long connector pins whereas the UV/OV divider
makes contact through a short pin. This ensures the power
connections are firmly established before the LTC4251/
LTC4251-1/LTC4251-2 are activated. At time point 1, the
power pins make contact and VIN ramps through VLKO. At
time point 2, the UV/OV divider makes contact and its
voltage exceeds VUVHI. In addition, the internal logic
< VGATEL and SENSE < VCB. When all conditions are met,
an initial timing cycle starts and the TIMER capacitor is
charged by a 5.8
A current source pull-up. At time point
3, TIMER reaches the VTMRH threshold and the initial
timing cycle terminates. The TIMER capacitor is then
quickly discharged. At time point 4, the VTMRL threshold is
reached and the conditions of GATE < VGATEL and SENSE
< VCB must be satisfied before a start-up cycle is allowed
to begin. GATE sources 58
A into the external MOSFET
gate and compensation network. When the GATE voltage
reaches the MOSFET’s threshold, current begins flowing
into the load capacitor. At time point 5, the SENSE voltage
(VSENSE– VEE ) reaches the VCB threshold and activates the
TIMER. The TIMER capacitor is charged by a 230
current source pull-up. At time point 6, the analog current
limit loop activates. Between time point 6 and time point 7,
the GATE voltage is held essentially constant and the
sense voltage is regulated at VACL. As the load capacitor
nears full charge, its current begins to decline. At time
point 7, the load current falls and the sense voltage drops
below VACL. The analog current limit loop shuts off and the
GATE pin ramps further. At time point 8, the sense voltage
drops below VCB and TIMER now discharges through a
A current source pull-down. At time point 9, GATE
reaches its maximum voltage as determined by VIN.
Undervoltage Lockout Timing
In Figure 9, when UV/OV drops below VUVLO (time point 1),
TIMER and GATE pull low. If current has been flowing, the
SENSE pin voltage decreases to zero as GATE collapses.
When UV/OV recovers and clears VUVHI (time point 2), an
initial time cycle begins followed by a start-up cycle.
Undervoltage Timing with Overvoltage Glitch
In Figure 10, when UV/OV clears VUVHI (time point 1), an
initial timing cycle starts. If the system bus voltage over-
shoots VOVHI as shown at time point 2, TIMER discharges.
At time point 3, the supply voltage recovers and drops
below the VOVLO threshold. The initial timing cycle restarts
followed by a start-up cycle.
Overvoltage Timing
During normal operation, if UV/OV exceeds VOVHI as
shown at time point 1 of Figure 11, the TIMER status is
unaffected. Nevertheless, GATE pulls down and discon-
nects the load. At time point 2, UV/OV recovers and drops
below the VOVLO threshold. A gate ramp up cycle ensues.