CA (Pin 1): I2C Address Select Pin. Tie this pin to VIN to set
the 7-bit address to 0110 001. Tie to GND for 1000 101.
VOUTN (Pin 2): Negative Output Voltage Pin. When the con-
verter is operating, this pin is regulated to the programmed
negative output voltage. Place a ceramic capacitor from
this pin to GND.
SWN (Pins 3, 4): Negative Switching Node for the In-
verting Converter. This is the drain of the internal PMOS
power switch. Connect one end of the Inverting inductor
to these pins. Keep the trace area on these pins as small
as possible.
VIN (Pin 5): Input Supply Pin and Source of the PMOS
Power Switch. This pin must be bypassed locally with a
ceramic capacitor. The operating voltage range of this pin
is 2.55V to 5.5V.
RAMPN (Pin 6): Soft-Start Ramp Pin for the Inverting
Converter. Place a capacitor from this pin to GND. A
programmable current of 1μA to 8μA (LT3582) or 1μA
(LT3582-5/LT3582-12) charges this pin during start-up,
limiting the ramp rate of VOUTN. This pin is discharged to
GND during shutdown.
RAMPP (Pin 7): Soft-Start Ramp Pin for the Boost Convert-
er. Place a capacitor from this pin to GND. A programmable
charges this pin during start-up, limiting the ramp rate of
VOUTP. This pin is discharged to GND in shutdown.
SHDN (Pin 8): Shutdown Pin. Drive this pin to 1.1V or
higher to enable the part. Drive to 0.3V or lower to shut
down. Includes an integrated 222k pull-down resistor.
VOUTP (Pin 9): Output of the Boost Converter Output
Disconnect Circuit. A ceramic capacitor should be placed
from this node to GND. During shutdown, this pin is
disconnected from the Boost network which allows this
pin to discharge to GND, assuming a load is present to
discharge the capacitance.
CAPP (Pins 10, 11): Connect the Boost output capacitor
from these pins to GND. During shutdown, the voltage on
these pins will remain close to the input voltage due to
the path through the Boost inductor and Schottky. During
normal operation, CAPP will be boosted slightly higher
than the programmed output voltage.
SWP (Pin 12): Positive Switching Node for the Boost
Converter. This is the drain of the internal NMOS power
switch. Connect one end of the Boost inductor to this pin.
Keep the trace area on this pin as small as possible.
GND (Pin 13): Ground Pin. Tie to a local ground plane.
Proper PCB layout is required to achieve advertised per-
formance; see the Applications Information section for
more information.
VPP (Pin 14): Programming Voltage Pin. Drive this pin
to 13-15V when programming the OTP memory. Float
otherwise. A bypass capacitor should be placed from this
node to GND if VPP is used for programming. If VPP falls
below 13V during OTP programming, an internal FAULT
bit, which can be read through the I2C interface, can be
set high.
SDA (Pin 15): I2C Bidirectional Data Pin. Tie to GND or
VIN if unused.
SCL (Pin 16): I2C Clock Pin. Tie to GND or VIN if un-
Exposed Pad (Pin 17): Ground Pin. Tie to a local ground
plane. Proper PCB layout is required to achieve advertised
performance; see the Applications Information section for
more information.