Horizontal Flyback or Sync Duration:
HF_S1 (0x8583)
HF_S0 (0x8582)
Horizontal Flyback or Sync Duration
Bits 9–0
This is a 10-bit wide register that records the measured value of the horizontal flyback or sync during video detect. When
no video is detected, this register should return a value of zero. Once measurement is completed and the auto size
enable bit has cleared itself back to 0, the measured data is ready to be read by the microcontroller. Reading this register
before that may give erroneous results. This register resets to default values, ready to record new measured values
when the auto size enable bit is set again.
Horizontal Back Porch Duration:
H_BP1 (0x8585)
H_BP0 (0x8584)
Horizontal Back Porch Duration
Bits 10–0
This is an 11-bit wide register that records the lowest measured value of the horizontal back porch during video detect.
When no video is detected, the sum of this register and the horizontal flyback or sync should be within 1 pixel of the
total number of pixels per line. Once measurement is completed and the auto size enable bit has cleared itself back to
0, the measured data is ready to be read by the microcontroller. Reading this register before that may give erroneous
results. This register resets to default values, ready to record new measured values when the auto size enable bit is set
Vertical Front Porch Duration:
V_FP1 (0x8587)
V_FP0 (0x8586)
Vertical Front Porch Duration
Bits 10–0
This is an 11-bit wide register that records the lowest measured value of the vertical front porch in terms of horizontal
line periods during video detect. When no video is detected, this register should return a value of zero. Once
measurement is completed and the auto size enable bit has cleared itself back to 0, the measured data is ready to be
read by the microcontroller. Reading this register before that may give erroneous results. This register resets to default
values, ready to record new measured values when the auto size enable bit is set again.
Vertical Sync Duration:
V_SYN_D (0x8588)
Vertical Flyback or Sync Duration
Bits 7–0
This is an 8-bit wide register that records the measured value of the vertical flyback or sync in terms of horizontal line
periods during video detect. Once measurement is completed and the auto size enable bit has cleared itself back to 0,
the measured data is ready to be read by the microcontroller. Reading this register before that may give erroneous
results. This register resets to default values, ready to record new measured values when the auto size enable bit is set
Vertical Back Porch Duration:
V_BP1 (0x858A)
V_BP0 (0x8589)
Vertical Back Porch Duration
200969 Version 2 Revision 4
Print Date/Time: 2011/07/11 11:20:12