Maxim Integrated
Single-Channel 1-Wire Master
with Adjustable Timing and Sleep Mode
1-Wire Write Byte
1-Wire Read Byte
Command Code
Command Parameter
Data Byte
Writes a single data byte to the 1-Wire line.
Typical Use
To write commands or data to the 1-Wire line. Equivalent to executing eight 1-Wire Single Bit
commands, but faster due to less I2C traffic.
1-Wire activity must have ended before the DS2483 can process this command.
Error Response
Command code and data byte are not acknowledged if 1WB = 1 at the time the command
code is received and the command is ignored.
Command Duration
8 x tSLOT + maximum 262.5ns, counted from falling edge of the last bit (LSB) of the data
1-Wire Activity
Begins maximum 262.5ns after falling SCL edge of the LSB of the data byte (i.e., before the
data-byte acknowledge). Note: The bit order on the I2C bus and the 1-Wire line is different
(1-Wire: LSB first; I2C: MSB first). Therefore, 1-Wire activity cannot begin before the DS2483
has received the full data byte.
Read Pointer Position
Status register (for busy polling).
Status Bits Affected
1WB (set to 1 for 8 x tSLOT).
Device Configurations Affected
1WS, SPU, APU apply.
Port Configurations Affected
tRSTL, tMSP, tW0L, tREC0, and RWPU current values apply.
Command Code
Command Parameter
Generates eight read-data time slots on the 1-Wire line and stores result in the Read Data
Typical Use
To read data from the 1-Wire line. Equivalent to executing eight 1-Wire Single Bit commands
with V = 1 (write-one time slot), but faster due to less I2C traffic.
1-Wire activity must have ended before the DS2483 can process this command.
Error Response
Command code is not acknowledged if 1WB = 1 at the time the command code is received
and the command is ignored.
Command Duration
8 x tSLOT + maximum 262.5ns, counted from the falling SCL edge of the command code
acknowledge bit.
1-Wire Activity
Begins maximum 262.5ns after the falling SCL edge of the command code acknowledge bit.
Read Pointer Position
Status register (for busy polling). Note: To read the data byte received from the 1-Wire line,
issue the Set Read Pointer command and select the Read Data register. Then access the
DS2483 in read mode.
Status Bits Affected
1WB (set to 1 for 8 x tSLOT).
Device Configurations Affected
1WS, APU apply.
Port Configurations Affected
tRSTL, tMSP, tW0L, tREC0, and RWPU current values apply.