Data She et AS25 33-36
Revision 8.10
Page 8 of 25
Low group
Digit 1-2-3-A
697 Hz
Digit 4-5-6-B
770 Hz
Digit 7-8-9-C
852 Hz
Digit * -0-# -D
941 Hz
High group
Digit 1-4-7- *
1209 Hz
Digit 2-5-8-0
1336 Hz
Digit 3-6-9-#
1477 Hz
Digit A-B-C-D
1633 Hz (not AS2535)
The MF output level can be set with an external voltage
divider on pin MFL.
Voltage at pin MFL (2)
DTMF Level (Low Grp.)
typ. 1.50* V
-4.0 dBm
0.878 * AGND
1.317 V
-5.2 dBm
0.791 * AGND
1.187 V
-6.4 dBm
0.705 * AGND
1.058 V
-7.6 dBm
0.620 * AGND
0.930 V
-8.8 dBm
0.495 * AGND
0.743 V
-10.0 dBm
0.372 * AGND
0.558 V
-11.2 dBm
0.290 * AGND
0.435 V
-12.4 dBm
0.210 * AGND
0.315 V
-13.6 dBm
0.130 * AGND
0.195 V
-14.8 dBm
0.000 V (VSS)
-16.0 dBm
(ZLINE = 600)
*typical MFL values for AGND = 1.5V
The preemphasis is 2.6 dB.
The MF tones are according to CEPT recommendations.
Tone Ringer (Melody/Volume)
The three basic frequencies of the melodies are:
F1 = 800 Hz, F2 = 1067 Hz, and F3 = 1333 Hz (± 5%).
The repetition rate and the volume of the tone ringer
melodies can be programmed by pressing P/M and #
followed by a digit as follows:
Repetition Rate
1 time (50 ms pause)
- 16 dB
1 time (50 ms pause)
- 7 dB
1 time (50 ms pause)
0 dB (max.)
4 times
- 16 dB
4 times
- 7 dB
4 times (default, AS2534R)
0 dB (max.)
10 times
- 16 dB
10 times
- 7 dB
10 times
0 dB (max.)
The procedure is ended by repressing the P/M key.
The default setting is digit 6, i.e. after a power on reset the
device will start up with repetition rate 4 and maximum
volume. If digit 0 is programmed, the tone ringer will be
turned off until next off-hook where it will turn back to the
last setting before 0. The programmed settings are stored
in the on chip RAM.
Repetition rate means that a sequence of 6 frequencies
is repeated 1, 4 or 10 times within 1 second.
The sequence of the frequencies is controlled by the
sequence register as follows:
Sequence F1 F2 F3 F1 F2 F3 …
Pacifier Tone
By MF dialing the DTMF tones are provided to the earpiece
as comfort tone.
During programming a key entry is acknowledged by a
pacifier tone of 1477 Hz. The level of the pacifier tone is
approximately 60 mV at the RO output. The duration is 40
ms after every key entry in program mode.
When terminating the program mode with the P/M key an
acknowledge tone of 140 ms is provided. An invalid key
entry, however, will cause a termination of the program
mode indicated by a rejection tone of 4 times 40 ms with
28 ms pauses between the tone bursts.
Ring Frequency Discrimination
The ring frequency discriminator assures that only signals
with a frequency between 13Hz and 70 Hz are regarded as
valid ring signals. The time for recognizing a valid ring
signal is 1/f seconds, where 'f' is the ring frequency.
When a valid ring signal is present for 73 ms continuously,
the melody generator is activated and remains active as
long as the ring signal is present.
Once the melody generator has been started, the ring
signal is continuously monitored and the melody generator
is instantly turned on or off according to the momentary
presence of a valid or invalid ring signal respectively (until
next POR or off-hook).