Rev. 0
Page 11 of 56
March 2004
the vertical blanking intervals. In this mode, the control
byte sequences are not stored to memory; they are filtered
by the PPI.
Vertical Blanking Only - The PPI only transfers Vertical
Blanking Interval (VBI) data, as well as horizontal blanking
information and control byte sequences on VBI lines.
Entire Field - The entire incoming bitstream is read in
through the PPI. This includes active video, control pream-
ble sequences, and ancillary data that may be embedded in
horizontal and vertical blanking intervals.
Though not explicitly supported, ITU-R 656 output functional-
ity can be achieved by setting up the entire frame structure
(including active video, blanking, and control information) in
memory and streaming the data out the PPI in a frame sync-less
mode. The processor’s 2D DMA features facilitate this transfer
by allowing the static frame buffer (blanking and control codes)
to be placed in memory once, and simply updating the active
video information on a per-frame basis.
The general-purpose modes of the PPI are intended to suit a
wide variety of data capture and transmission applications. The
modes are divided into four main categories, each allowing up
to 16 bits of data transfer per PPI_CLK cycle:
Data Receive with Internally Generated Frame Syncs
Data Receive with Externally Generated Frame Syncs
Data Transmit with Internally Generated Frame Syncs
Data Transmit with Externally Generated Frame Syncs
These modes support ADC/DAC connections, as well as video
communication with hardware signaling. Many of the modes
support more than one level of frame synchronization. If
desired, a programmable delay can be inserted between asser-
tion of a frame sync and reception/transmission of data.
The ADSP-BF531/2/3 processor provides five operating modes,
each with a different performance/power profile. In addition,
Dynamic Power Management provides the control functions to
dynamically alter the processor core supply voltage, further
reducing power dissipation. Control of clocking to each of the
ADSP-BF531/2/3 processor peripherals also reduces power con-
sumption. See
Table 4
for a summary of the power settings for
each mode.
Full-On Operating Mode—Maximum Performance
In the Full-On mode, the PLL is enabled and is not bypassed,
providing capability for maximum operational frequency. This
is the power-up default execution state in which maximum per-
formance can be achieved. The processor core and all enabled
peripherals run at full speed.
Active Operating Mode—Moderate Power Savings
In the Active mode, the PLL is enabled but bypassed. Because
the PLL is bypassed, the processor’s core clock (CCLK) and sys-
tem clock (SCLK) run at the input clock (CLKIN) frequency. In
this mode, the CLKIN to CCLK multiplier ratio can be changed,
although the changes are not realized until the Full-On mode is
entered. DMA access is available to appropriately configured L1
In the Active mode, it is possible to disable the PLL through the
PLL Control register (PLL_CTL). If disabled, the PLL must be
re-enabled before transitioning to the Full-On or Sleep modes.
Hibernate Operating Mode—Maximum Static Power
The Hibernate mode maximizes static power savings by dis-
abling the voltage and clocks to the processor core (CCLK) and
to all the synchronous peripherals (SCLK). The internal voltage
regulator for the processor can be shut off by writing b#00 to the
FREQ bits of the VR_CTL register. This disables both CCLK
and SCLK. Furthermore, it sets the internal power supply volt-
age (V
) to 0 V to provide the lowest static power
dissipation. Any critical information stored internally (memory
contents, register contents, etc.) must be written to a non-vola-
tile storage device prior to removing power if the processor state
is to be preserved. Since V
is still supplied in this mode, all
of the external pins tri-state, unless otherwise specified. This
allows other devices that may be connected to the processor to
have power still applied without drawing unwanted current.
The internal supply regulator can be woken up either by a Real-
Time Clock wakeup or by asserting the RESET pin.
Sleep Operating Mode—High Dynamic Power Savings
The Sleep mode reduces dynamic power dissipation by dis-
abling the clock to the processor core (CCLK). The PLL and
system clock (SCLK), however, continue to operate in this
mode. Typically an external event or RTC activity will wake up
the processor. When in the Sleep mode, assertion of wakeup will
cause the processor to sense the value of the BYPASS bit in the
PLL Control register (PLL_CTL). If BYPASS is disabled, the
processor will transition to the Full On mode. If BYPASS is
enabled, the processor will transition to the Active mode.
When in the Sleep mode, system DMA access to L1 memory is
not supported.
Deep Sleep Operating Mode—Maximum Dynamic Power
The Deep Sleep mode maximizes dynamic power savings by
disabling the clocks to the processor core (CCLK) and to all syn-
chronous peripherals (SCLK). Asynchronous peripherals, such
Table 4. Power Settings
Enabled Enabled On
Enabled Enabled On
Full On
Deep Sleep Disabled
Disabled Enabled On
Disabled Disabled On
Disabled Disabled Off