Data Sheet
Rev. C | Page 26 of 60
Zero delay operation aligns the phase of the output clocks with
the phase of the external PLL reference input. The OUT0 output
is designed to be used as the output for zero delay. There are
two zero delay modes on the AD9523: internal and external
e Figure 29). Note that the external delay mode provides better
matching than the internal delay mode because the output drivers
are included in the zero delay path. Setting the antibacklash
pulse width control of PLL1 to maximum gives the best zero
delay matching.
Figure 29. Zero Delay Function
Internal Zero Delay Mode
The internal zero delay function of the AD9523 is achieved by
feeding the output of Channel Divider 0 back to the PLL1 N
divider. Bit 5 in Register 0x01B is used to select internal zero delay
mode (s
ee Table 42). In the internal zero delay mode, the output
of Channel Divider 0 is routed back to the PLL1 (N divider)
through a mux. PLL1 synchronizes the phase/edge of the output
of Channel Divider 0 with the phase/edge of the reference input.
Because the channel dividers are synchronized to each other,
the outputs of the channel divider are synchronous with the
reference input.
External Zero Delay Mode
The external zero delay function of the AD9523 is achieved by
feeding OUT0 back to the ZD_IN input and, ultimately, back to
for external zero delay is external to the AD9523.
Bit 5 in Register 0x01B is used to select the external zero delay
mode. In external zero delay mode, OUT0 must be routed back to
PLL1 (the N divider) through the ZD_IN and ZD_IN pins.
PLL1 synchronizes the phase/edge of the feedback output clock
with the phase/edge of the reference input. Because the channel
dividers are synchronized to each other, the clock outputs are
synchronous with the reference input. Both the reference path
delay and the feedback delay from ZD_IN are designed to have
the same propagation delay from the output drivers and PLL
components to minimize the phase offset between the clock
output and the reference input to achieve zero delay.
PLL1 and PLL2 lock detectors issue an unlock condition when
the frequency error is greater than the threshold of the lock
detector. When the PLL is unlocked, there is a random phase
between the reference clock and feedback clock. Due to the
random phase relationship that exists the unlock condition
could take between 215 × TPFD cycles to 1 × TPFD cycles. For a
lock condition it will always take 216 × TPFD to lock, but it could
potentially take 231 × TPFD cycles depending on how big the
phase jump is and when it occurs in relation to the lock detect
The AD9523 has a power-on reset (POR) and several other ways to
apply a reset condition to the chip.
Power-On Reset
During chip power-up, a power-on reset pulse is issued when
3.3 V supply reaches ~2.6 V (<2.8 V) and restores the chip
either to the setting stored in EEPROM (EEPROM pin = 1) or
to the on-chip setting (EEPROM pin = 0). At power-on, the
AD9523 executes a sync operation, which brings the outputs
into phase alignment according to the default settings. The
output drivers are held in sync for the duration of the internally
generated power-up sync timer (~70 ms). The outputs begin to
toggle after this period.
Reset via the RESET Pin
RESET, a reset (an asynchronous hard reset is executed by briefly
pulling RESET low), restores the chip either to the setting stored in
EEPROM (EEPROM pin = 1) or to the on-chip setting (EEPROM
pin = 0). A reset also executes a sync operation, which brings the
outputs into phase alignment according to the default settings.
When EEPROM is inactive (EEPROM pin = 0), it takes ~2 s for
the outputs to begin toggling after RESET is issued. When
EEPROM is active (EEPROM pin = 1), it takes ~40 ms for the
outputs to toggle after RESET is brought high.
Reset via the Serial Port
The serial port control register allows for a reset by setting Bit 2 and
Bit 5 in Register 0x000. When Bit 2 and Bit 5 are set, the chip enters
a reset mode and restores the chip either to the setting stored in
EEPROM (EEPROM pin = 1) or to the on-chip setting (EEPROM
pin = 0), except for Register 0x000. Except for the self-clearing bits,
Bit 2 and Bit 5, Register 0x000 retains its previous value prior to
reset. During the internal reset, the outputs hold static. Bit 2 and
Bit 5 are self-clearing. However, the self-clearing operation does not
complete until an additional serial port SCLK cycle completes, and
the AD9523 is held in reset until Bit 2 and Bit 5 self-clear.