Appendix: 68HC912D60A EEPROM
EEPROM Control Registers
68HC(9)12D60 — Rev 4.0
Advance Information
Appendix: 68HC912D60A EEPROM
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Go to: www.freescale.com
Bits[7:4] are loaded at reset from the EEPROM SHADOW word.
The bits 5 and 4 are reserved for test purposes. These locations in
SHADOW word should not be programmed otherwise some locations of
regular EEPROM array will not be visible.
NOBDML — Background Debug Mode Lockout Disable
0 = The BDM lockout is enabled.
1 = The BDM lockout is disabled.
Loaded from SHADOW word at reset.
Read anytime. Write anytime in special modes (SMODN=0).
NOSHW — SHADOW Word Disable
0 = The SHADOW word is enabled and accessible at address
1 = Regular EEPROM array at address $0FC0-$0FC1.
Loaded from SHADOW word at reset.
Read anytime. Write anytime in special modes (SMODN=0).
When NOSHW cleared, the regular EEPROM array bytes at address
$0FC0 and $0FC1 are not visible. The SHADOW word is accessed
instead for both read and program/erase operations. Bits[7:4] from
the high byte of the SHADOW word, $0FC0, are loaded to
EEMCR[7:4]. Bits[1:0] from the high byte of the SHADOW word,
$0FC0,are loaded to EEDIVH[1:0]. Bits[7:0] from the low byte of the
SHADOW word, $0FC1,are loaded to EEDIVL[7:0].
program/erase only applies if SHADOW word is enabled.
Bit 6 from high byte of SHADOW word should not be cleared (set to '0')
in order to have the full EEPROM array visible. If Bit 6 from the high byte
of the SHADOW word is cleared then the following thirty bytes
$0FC2–$0FFF have no meaning and are reserved by Motorola.
EESWAI — EEPROM Stops in Wait Mode
0 = The module is not affected during WAIT mode
1 = The module ceases to be clocked during WAIT mode
Read and write anytime.
The EESWAI bit should be cleared if the WAIT mode vectors are
mapped in the EEPROM array.
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.