MSCAN Controller
Advance Information
68HC(9)12D60 — Rev 4.0
MSCAN Controller
RWRNIF — Receiver Warning Interrupt Flag
This flag is set when the msCAN12 goes into warning status due to
the Receive Error counter (REC) exceeding 96 and neither one of the
Error interrupt flags or the Bus-Off interrupt flag is set
. If not
masked, an Error interrupt is pending while this flag is set.
0 = No receiver warning status has been reached.
1 = msCAN12 went into receiver warning status.
TWRNIF — Transmitter Warning Interrupt Flag
This bit will be set when the msCAN12 goes into warning status due
to the Transmit Error counter (TEC) exceeding 96 and neither one of
the Error interrupt flags or the Bus-Off interrupt flag is set
. If not
masked, an Error interrupt is pending while this flag is set.
0 = No transmitter warning status has been reached.
1 = msCAN12 went into transmitter warning status.
RERRIF — Receiver Error Passive Interrupt Flag
This flag is set when the msCAN12 goes into error passive status due
to the Receive Error counter (REC) exceeding 127 and the Bus-Off
interrupt flag is not set
. If not masked, an Error interrupt is pending
while this flag is set.
0 = No receiver error passive status has been reached.
1 = msCAN12 went into receiver error passive status.
TERRIF — Transmitter Error Passive Interrupt Flag
This flag is set when the msCAN12 goes into error passive status due
to the Transmit Error counter (TEC) exceeding 127 and the Bus-Off
interrupt flag is not set
. If not masked, an Error interrupt is pending
while this flag is set.
0 = No transmitter error passive status has been reached.
1 = msCAN12 went into transmitter error passive status.
1. Condition to set the flag: RWRNIF = (96
2. Condition to set the flag: TWRNIF = (96
3. Condition to set the flag: RERRIF = (128
255) & BOFFIF
4. Condition to set the flag: TERRIF = (128
255) & BOFFIF
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
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