Data Sheet M15825EJ7V
PD44165084, 44165184, 44165364
Pin Identification
Synchronous Address Inputs: These inputs are registered and must meet the setup and hold times around the
rising edge of K. Balls 9A, 3A, 10A, and 2A are reserved for the next higher-order address inputs on future
devices. All transactions operate on a burst of four words (two clock periods of bus activity). These inputs are
ignored when device is deselected.
Synchronous Data Inputs: Input data must meet setup and hold times around the rising edges of K and /K
during WRITE operations. See Pin Configurations for ball site location of individual signals.
x8 device uses D0 to D7.
x18 device uses D0 to D17.
x36 device uses D0 to D35.
Synchronous Data Outputs: Output data is synchronized to the respective C and /C or to K and /K rising edges
if C and /C are tied HIGH. This bus operates in response to /R commands. See Pin Configurations for ball site
location of individual signals.
x8 device uses Q0 to Q7.
x18 device uses Q0 to Q17.
x36 device uses Q0 to Q35.
Synchronous Read: When LOW this input causes the address inputs to be registered and a READ cycle to be
initiated. This input must meet setup and hold times around the rising edge of K and is ignored on the
subsequent rising edge of K.
Synchronous Write: When LOW this input causes the address inputs to be registered and a WRITE cycle to be
initiated. This input must meet setup and hold times around the rising edge of K and is ignored on the
subsequent rising edge of K.
Synchronous Byte Writes (Nibble Writes on x8): When LOW these inputs cause their respective byte or nibble
to be registered and written during WRITE cycles. These signals must meet setup and hold times around the
rising edges of K and /K for each of the two rising edges comprising the WRITE cycle. See Pin Configurations
for signal to data relationships.
Input Clock: This input clock pair registers address and control inputs on the rising edge of K, and registers data
on the rising edge of K and the rising edge of /K. /K is ideally 180 degrees out of phase with K. All synchronous
inputs must meet setup and hold times around the clock rising edges.
Output Clock: This clock pair provides a user controlled means of tuning device output data. The rising edge of
/C is used as the output timing reference for first and third output data. The rising edge of C is used as the
output reference for second and fourth output data. Ideally, /C is 180 degrees out of phase with C. C and /C
may be tied HIGH to force the use of K and /K as the output reference clocks instead of having to provide C and
/C clocks. If tied HIGH, C and /C must remain HIGH and not be toggled during device operation.
Synchronous Echo Clock Outputs. The rising edges of these outputs are tightly matched to the synchronous
data outputs and can be used as a data valid indication. These signals run freely and do not stop when Q
Output Impedance Matching Input: This input is used to tune the device outputs to the system data bus
impedance. DQ and CQ output impedance are set to 0.2 x RQ, where RQ is a resistor from this bump to
ground. This pin cannot be connected directly to GND or left unconnected. Also, in this product, there is no
function to minimize the output impedance by connecting ZQ directly to V
D0 to Dxx
Q0 to Qxx
K, /K
C, /C
DLL Disable: When LOW, this input causes the DLL to be bypassed for stable low frequency operation.
IEEE 1149.1 Test Inputs: 1.8V I/O levels. These balls may be left Not Connected if the JTAG function is not
used in the circuit.
IEEE 1149.1 Clock Input: 1.8V I/O levels. This pin must be tied to V
if the JTAG function is not used in the
IEEE 1149.1 Test Output: 1.8V I/O level.
HSTL Input Reference Voltage: Nominally V
Q/2. Provides a reference voltage for the input buffers.
Power Supply: 1.8V nominal. See DC Characteristics and Operating Conditions for range.
Power Supply: Isolated Output Buffer Supply. Nominally 1.5V. 1.8V is also permissible. See DC Characteristics
and Operating Conditions for range.
Power Supply: Ground
No Connect: These signals are internally connected and appear in the JTAG scan chain as the logic level
applied to the ball sites. These signals may be connected to ground to improve package heat dissipation.