SWCS046A – MARCH 2010 – REVISED MAY 2010
Integrated Power Management Unit Top Specification
Portable and handheld systems
The purpose of the TPS65910 device is to
provide the following resources:
OMAP3 power management
Embedded power controller
Two efficient step-down dc-dc converters for
processor cores
The TPS65910 is an integrated power-management
IC available in 48-QFN package and dedicated to
One efficient step-down dc-dc converter for I/O
applications powered by one Li-Ion or Li-Ion polymer
battery cell or 3-series Ni-MH cells, or by a 5-V input;
One efficient step-up 5-V dc-dc converter
it requires multiple power rails. The device provides
SmartReflex compliant dynamic voltage
three step-down converters, one step-up converter,
and eight LDOs and is designed to support the
management for processor cores
8 LDO voltage regulators and one RTC LDO
(internal purpose)
Two of the step-down converters provide power for
One high-speed I2C interface for
dual processor cores and are controllable by a
general-purpose control commands (CTL-I2C)
dedicated class-3 SmartReflex interface for optimum
One high-speed I2C interface for SmartReflex
power savings. The third converter provides power for
Class 3 control and command (SR-I2C)
the I/Os and memory in the system.
Two enable signals multiplexed with SR-I2C,
The device includes eight general-purpose LDOs
configurable to control any supply state and
providing a wide range of voltage and current
processor cores supply voltage
capabilities; they are fully controllable by the I2C
Thermal shutdown protection and hot-die
interface. The use of the LDOs is flexible; they are
intended to be used as follows: Two LDOs are
designated to power the PLL and video DAC supply
A real-time clock (RTC) resource with:
Oscillator for 32.768-kHz crystal or 32-kHz
general-purpose auxiliary LDOs are available to
built-in RC oscillator
provide power to other devices in the system, and
two LDOs are provided to power DDR memory
Date, time and calendar
supplies in applications requiring these memories.
Alarm capability
In addition to the power resources, the device
One configurable GPIO
contains an embedded power controller (EPC) to
DC-DC switching synchronization through
manage the power sequencing requirements of the
internal or external 3-MHz clock
OMAP systems and an (RTC).
Figure 1 shows the top-level diagram of the device.
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PRODUCT PREVIEW information concerns products in the
Copyright 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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