Undervoltage Lockout
LDO Enable
Power Good
Low Battery Detector Circuit—LBI/LBO
Low-EMI Switch
TPS61122, TPS61121
An undervoltage lockout function prevents device start-up if the supply voltage on VBAT is lower than
approximately 1.6 V. When in operation and the battery is being discharged, the device automatically enters the
shutdown mode if the voltage on VBAT drops below approximately 1.6 V. This undervoltage lockout function is
implemented in order to prevent the malfunctioning of the converter.
During start-up of the converter, the duty cycle and the peak current are limited in order to avoid high peak
currents drawn from the battery. When the boost section is enabled, the internal startup cycle starts with the first
step, the precharge phase. During precharge, the rectifying switch is turned on until the output capacitor is
charged to a value close to the input voltage. The rectifying switch current is limited in that phase. This also limits
the output current under short-circuit conditions at the output. After charging the output capacitor to the input
voltage the device starts switching. Until the output voltage is reached, the boost switch current limit is set to
40% of its nominal value to avoid high peak currents at the battery during startup. When the output voltage is
reached, the regulator takes control and the switch current limit is set back to 100%.
The LDO can be separately enabled and disabled by using the LDOEN pin in the same way as the EN pin at the
dc/dc converter stage described above. This is completely independent of the status of the EN pin. The voltage
levels of the logic signals which need to be applied at LDOEN are related to LDOIN.
The PGOOD pin stays high impedance when the dc/dc converter delivers an output voltage within a defined
voltage window. So it can be used to enable any connected circuitry such as cascaded converters (LDO) or to
reset microprocessor circuits.
The low-battery detector circuit is typically used to supervise the battery voltage and to generate an error flag
when the battery voltage drops below a user-set threshold voltage. The function is active only when the device is
enabled. When the device is disabled, the LBO pin is high-impedance. The switching threshold is 500 mV at LBI.
During normal operation, LBO stays at high impedance when the voltage, applied at LBI, is above the threshold.
It is active low when the voltage at LBI goes below 500 mV.
The battery voltage, at which the detection circuit switches, can be programmed with a resistive divider
connected to the LBI pin. The resistive divider scales down the battery voltage to a voltage level of 500 mV,
which is then compared to the LBI threshold voltage. The LBI pin has a built-in hysteresis of 10 mV. See the
application section for more details about the programming of the LBI threshold. If the low-battery detection
circuit is not used, the LBI pin should be connected to GND (or to VBAT) and the LBO pin can be left
unconnected. Do not let the LBI pin float.
The device integrates a circuit that removes the ringing that typically appears on the SW node when the
converter enters discontinuous current mode. In this case, the current through the inductor ramps to zero and the
rectifying PMOS switch is turned off to prevent a reverse current flowing from the output capacitors back to the
battery. Due to the remaining energy that is stored in parasitic components of the semiconductor and the
inductor, a ringing on the SW pin is induced. The integrated antiringing switch clamps this voltage to VBAT and
therefore dampens ringing.