Advance Information
Revision 1.1 released on 2/20/01
Page 11
Functional description
Peripheral Interface Bus (PIB)
To enable a “glueless” interface to most popular peripheral chips, the Tiger560 implements a
Peripheral Interface Bus (PIB). The PIB consists of a 6 bit address bus, HA[5:0], 8 bit data bus,
HD[7:0], READ#, WRITE#, EXTRST# (external reset) and 8 AUX lines.
Typical connection of a Peripheral using the Tiger560 PIB
All of the address, data and control lines are fully qualified and can be connected without any
additional glue logic to a wide range of peripheral chips.
AUX lines
AUX[6:0] can be individually programmed as inputs or outputs. Register 0x13 determines which
AUX pins are defined as inputs and which are defined as outputs. Bit0 in the register controls the
state of AUX0, bit1 controls AUX1 etc. A 1 in the register defines an AUX line as an output. A 0
defines the appropriate line as input. On hard reset all AUX lines float and are defined as inputs.
The status of the AUX lines can be read from register 0x12. The actual AUX line value will be
read irrespective of it being an input or output.
AUX line inputs can be inverted individually with register 0x15. This is useful for determining the
active polarity of the AUX line when used for Wake-up. This register does not change signal
polarity when the AUX lines are used for Interrupt or Suspend.
Please note: on the current silicon revision of the Tiger560 AUX3 and AUX4 must both be either
an input or an output, please contact TigerJet if you need further clarification.
Dual function AUX lines
Register 0x00 enables individual enabling of HA[5:4] and Suspend. Register 0x29 bit 5 enables
SPI pin definition. These functions are described below in turn.