Stop Data Transfer:
A Change in the state of the data line, from low to High, while the clock signal is High,
defines the STOP condition.
Data Valid:
The state of the data line represents valid data when after a start condition, the data line is stable
for the duration of the High period of the clock signal. The data on the line may be changed during the Low period
of the clock signal. There is one clock pulse per bit of data.
Each data transfer is initiated with a start condition and terminated with a stop condition. The number of data
bytes transferred between the start and the stop conditions is not limited. The information is transmitted byte-
wide and each receiver acknowledges with the ninth bit.
By definition, a device that gives out a message is called "transmitter", the receiving device that gets the signals
is called "receiver". The device that controls the message is called "master". The devices that are controlled by
the master are called "slaves"
Each byte of eight bits is followed by one acknowledge bit. This acknowledge bit is a low level
put on the bus by the receiver, whereas the master generates an extra acknowledge related clock pulse.
A slave receiver which is addressed must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte. Also, a
master receiver must generate an acknowledge after the reception of each byte that has been clocked out of
the slave transmitter. The device that acknowledges has to pull down the SDA_IN line during the acknowledge
clock pulse. Of course, setup and hold time must be taken into account. A master receiver must signal an end-
of-data to the slave transmitter by not generating an acknowledge on the last byte that has been clocked out of
the slave. In this case, the transmitter must leave the data line High to enable the master to generate the STOP
Connecting SDA_IN and SDA_OUT together the SDA line become the standard data line. Having the ac-
knowledge output (SDAOUT) separated from the serial data line is advantageous in Chip-On-Glass
(COG) applications. In COG applications where the track resistance from the SDAOUT pad to the system
SDA line can be significant, a potential divider is generated by the bus pull-up resistor and the Indium Tin
Oxide (ITO) track resistance. It is possible that during the acknowledge cycle the STE2001 will not be able
to create a valid logic 0 level. By splitting the SDA input from the output the device could be used in a mode
that ignores the acknowledge bit. In COG applications where the acknowledge cycle is required, it is nec-
essary to minimize the track resistance from the SDACK pad to the system SDA line to guarantee a valid
LOW level.
To be compliant with the I
C-bus Hs-mode specification the STE2001 is able to detect the special sequence
"S00001xxx". After this sequence no acknowledge pulse is generated.
Since no internal modification are applied to work in Hs-mode, the device is able to work in Hs-mode without
detecting the master code.
Figure 16. Bit transfer and START,STOP conditions definition