Rev. 0.9
line data. The DAA can provide feedback indicating the
beginning and end of a billing tone.
Billing tone detection is enabled with the BTE bit
(Register 17, bit 2). Billing tones less than 1.1 VPK on
the line are filtered out by the low pass digital filter of the
DAA. The ROV bit is set when a line signal is greater
than 1.1 VPK, indicating a receive overload condition.
The BTD bit is set when a billing tone is large enough to
excessively reduce the line-derived power supply of the
line-side device.
The OVL bit (Register 19) can be polled following a
billing tone detection. The OVL bit indicates that the
billing tone has passed when it returns to 0. The ROV
bit is sticky and must be written to 0 to be reset. After
the billing tone passes, the DAA initiates an auto-
calibration sequence that must complete before data
can be transmitted or received.
Certain line events, such as an off-hook event on a
parallel phone or a polarity reversal, can trigger the ROV
or the BTD bits. Look for multiple events before
qualifying if billing tones are present. After the billing
tone passes, the DAA initiates an auto-calibration
sequence that must complete before data can be
transmitted or received.
Although the DAA remains off-hook during a billing tone
event, the received data from the line is corrupted when
a large billing tone occurs. If the user wishes to receive
data through a billing tone, an external LC filter must be
added. A manufacturer can provide this filter to users in
the form of a dongle that connects on the phone line
before the DAA. This prevents the manufacturer from
having to include a costly LC filter to support multiple
countries and customers.
Alternatively, when a billing tone is detected, the system
software notifies the user that a billing tone has
occurred. Notification prompts the user to contact the
telephone company to disable billing tones or to
purchase an external LC filter.
Disturbances on the line other than billing tones can
also cause a receive overload. Some conditions may
result in a loop current collapse to a level below the
minimum required operating current of the DAA. When
this occurs, the dropout detect bit (DOD) is set, and an
interrupt will be generated if the dropout detect interrupt
mask bit (DODM) is set.
6.22. Billing Tone Filter (Optional)
To operate without degradation during billing tones in
Germany, Switzerland, and South Africa, requires an
external LC notch filter. The Si306x can remain off-hook
during a billing tone event, but line data is lost in the
presence of large billing tone signals. The notch filter
design requires two notches, one at 12 kHz and one at
16 kHz. Because these components are expensive and
few countries utilize billing tones, this filter is typically
placed in an external dongle or added as a population
option for these countries.
Figure 7 shows an example
billing tone filter.
Figure 7. Billing Tone Filter
L1 must carry the entire loop current. The series
resistance of the inductors is important to achieve a
narrow and deep notch. This design has more than
25 dB of attenuation at both 12 kHz and 16 kHz.
The billing tone filter affects the DAA’s ac termination
and return loss. The global complex ac termination
(ACIM = 1111) passes global return loss specifications
with and without the billing tone filter by at least 3 dB.
This ac termination is optimized for frequency response
and hybrid cancellation and has greater than 4 dB of
margin with or without the dongle for South Africa,
Australia, TBR21, Germany, and Switzerland country
6.23. On-Hook Line Monitor
The on-hook line monitor mode allows the Si306x to
receive line activity when in an on-hook state. This
Table 11. Component Values—Optional Billing
Tone Filters
F, 50 V, ±10%
F, 250 V, ±10%
3.3 mH, >120 mA, <10
, ±10%
10 mH, >40 mA, <10
, ±10%