In the address field, specify the entry address for selecting the entry (bits 10–4), W for selecting the
way (bits 12–11: 00 is way 0, 01 is way 1, 10 is way 2, 11 is way 3 in normal mode (8-kbyte
cache); 00 and 10 are way 0, and 01 and 11 are way 1 in RAM mode), and H'F0 to indicate address
array access (bits 31–24).
When writing, specify bit 3 as the A bit. The A bit indicates whether addresses are compared
during writing. When the A bit is 1, the addresses of the four entries selected by the entry addresses
are compared to the addresses to be written into the address array specified in the data field. Writing
takes place to the way that has a hit. When a miss occurs, nothing is written to the address array
and no operation occurs. The way number (W) specified in bits 12–11 is not used. When the A bit
is 0, it is written to the entry selected with the entry address and way number without comparing
addresses. The address specified by bits 31–10 in the data specification in figure 5.5 (1), address
array access, is a virtual address. When the MMU is enabled, the address is translated into a
physical address, then the physical address is used in comparing addresses when the A bit is 1. The
physical address is written into the address array.
When reading, the address tag, V bit, U bit, and LRU bits of the entry specified by the entry
address and way number (W) are read using the data format shown in figure 5.5 without comparing
addresses. To invalidate a specific entry, specify the entry by its entry address and way number, and
write 0 to its V bit. To invalidate only an entry for an address to be invalidated, specify 1 for the A
When an entry for which 0 is written to the V bit has a U bit set to 1, if it is a valid entry it will
be written back. This allows coherency to be achieved between the external memory and cache by
invalidating the entry. However, when 0 is written to the V bit, 0 must also be written to the U
bit of that entry.
In the SH7708 Series, the top 3 bits of the 32-bit physical address are treated as a shadow (see
section 10, Bus State Controller (BSC)). Therefore, in the event of a cache miss, 0 is registered in
the top 3 bits of the address array address tag.
When directly changing the address array using the MOV instruction, also, a value other than 0
must not be set in the top 3 bits of the address tag.
Data Array
The data array is mapped onto H'F1000000 to H'F1FFFFFF. To access a data array, the 32-bit
address field (for read/write accesses) and 32-bit data field (for write accesses) must be specified. The
address field specifies information for selecting the entry to be accessed; the data field specifies the
longword data to be written to the data array (figure 5.5 (2)).
In the address field, specify the entry address for selecting the entry (bits 10–4), L for indicating the
longword position within the (16 byte) line (bits 3–2: 00 is longword 0, 01 is longword 1, 10 is
longword 2, 11 is longword 3), W for selecting the way (bits 12–11: 00 is way 0, 01 is way 1, 10