Main Control Loop
The main control loop of the regulator (see Block Diagram)
contains two main blocks, the analog control block and the
digital control block. The analog control block consists of
signal conditioning amplifiers that feed into a set of fast
comparators which provide the inputs to the digital control
block. The signal conditioning block takes inputs from the
IFB(current feedback) and VFB(voltage feedback) pins and
then sets up two controlling signal paths. The voltage control
path gains up the VFB signal and presents that signal to one
of the summing amplifier inputs. The current control path
takes the difference between the IFB and VFB pins and pre-
sents that signal to another input of the summing amplifier.
These two signals are then summed together with the slope
compensation input from the oscillator and the output is then
presented to a comparator. This comparator provides the
main PWM control signal to the digital control block.
There are three other comparators in the analog control
block. The first two control the thresholds of where the
RC5033 goes into its pulse skipping mode during light loads
and the second controls the point at which the max current
comparator disables the output drive signal to the upper
power MOSFET. The third comparator determines when the
synchronous mode bottom side power MOSFET will be
enabled and disabled.
The digital controller section is designed to take the compar-
ator inputs along with the main clock signal from the oscilla-
tor and provide the appropriate pulses to the HIDRV and
LODRV output pins that will in turn control the external
power MOSFETs. This digital section was designed in high
speed schottky transistor logic which allows the RC5033 to
clock up to speeds greater then 1MHz. This section is
responsible for providing the break-before-make timing that
ensures that both external FETs will not be on at the same
High Current Output Drivers
The RC5033 contains two identical high current output driv-
ers. These drivers contain high speed bipolar transistors con-
figured in a push-pull configuration. Each output driver is
capable of pumping out 1A of current in less than 100ns.
Each driver’s power and ground are separated from the over-
all chip power and ground for added switching noise immu-
nity. The HIDRV driver has a power supply, VCCQP, which
can be either derived from an external voltage source or can
be boot-strapped from a flying-capacitor as is shown in Fig-
ure 1. In the boot-strapped mode, C2 is alternately charged
from VCC via the schottky diode DS2 and then boosted up
when M1 is turned on. This provides a VCCQP voltage equal
to 2*VCC - Vds(DS2); or about 9.5V with VCC=5V. This
voltage is sufficient to provide the 9V gate drive to the exter-
nal MOSFET that will be needed for achieving a low Rdson.
Since the low side synchronous FET is referenced to ground,
there is no need to boost the gate drive voltage and its VCCP
power pin can just be tied to VCC.
Internal Reference
The reference in the RC5033 is a precision band-gap type
reference. Its temperature coefficient is trimmed to provide a
near zero TC. For applications that require a voltage other
than the voltages provided by the fixed jumper connections,
an external resistor will change the reference voltage from
2.0V up to 3.6V. For a guaranteed stable operation under all
loading conditions, a 0.1
F capacitor is recommended on the
VREF output pin.
Over -Voltage Protection
The RC5033 provides a constant monitor of the output volt-
age for over-voltage protection. Should the voltage at the
VFB pin exceed 20% of the selected program voltage, then
an overvoltage condition will be assumed to exist and the
RC5033 will shut down the output drive signals to the power
The RC5033 oscillator is designed as a fixed current capaci-
tor charging oscillator. An external capacitor allows for max-
imum flexibility in choosing the associated external
components for the RC5033. The oscillator frequency con be
set from less than 200KHz to over 1MHz depending on the
application requirements.
Design Procedure and Applications
Simple Step-Down Converter
Figure 4 shows a step-down DC-to-DC Converter with no
feedback controller. The derivation of the basic step-down
converter will serve as a basis for the design equations for
the RC5033 in Figure 1. In Figure 5, the basic operation
begins by closing the switch, S1. When S1 is closed the input
voltage VB is impressed across the inductor L1. The current
flowing in the inductor is given by the following equation:
IL=(VB- Vo)Ton/L; where Ton is the time duration for S1 to
be closed. When S1 is open, the diode will conduct the
inductor current and the output current will be delivered to
the load according to the equation: IL=Vo(T – Ton)/L; where
T- Ton is the time duration for S1 to be off. By solving these
two equations we can arrive at the basic relationship for the
output voltage of a step-down converter: Vo= VB(Ton/T).
Figure 5. Simple Buck DC-DC Converter