0.1 Hz to 250 kHz dynamic range
0.01% F.S. maximum nonlinearity error—
0.1Hz to 10 kHz
50 ppm/
C maximum gain temperature coefficient
(external reference)
Few external components required
Precision voltage-to-frequency converters
Serial transmission of analog information
Pulse width modulators
Frequency-to-voltage converters
A/D converters and long term integrators
Signal isolation
FSK modulation/demodulation
Frequency scaling
Motor speed controls
Phase lock loop stabilization
The 4153 sets a new standard for ease of application and
high frequency performance in monolithic voltage-to-
frequency converters. This voltage-to-frequency converter
requires only four passive external components for precision
operation, making it ideal for many low cost applications
such as A/D conversion, frequency-to-voltage conversion,
and serial data transmission. The improved linearity at high
frequency makes it comparable to many dual slop A/D con-
verters both in conversion time and accuracy, while retaining
the benefits of voltage-to-frequency conversion, i.e., serial
output, cost and size. The speed accuracy and temperature
performance of the 4153 is achieved by incorporating high
speed ECL logic, a high gain, wide bandwidth op amp, and a
buried Zener reference on a single monolithic chip.
Voltage-to-Frequenc y Converter