Appendix A Electrical Characteristics
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 1.07
Freescale Semiconductor
Port AD Output Drivers Switching
PortAD output drivers switching can adversely affect the ATD accuracy whilst converting the analog
voltage on other PortAD pins because the output drivers are supplied from the VDDA/VSSA ATD supply
pins. Although internal design measures are implemented to minimize the affect of output driver noise, it
on ATD accuracy is load dependent and not specified. The values specified are valid under condition that
no PortAD output drivers switch during conversion.
Source Resistance
Due to the input pin leakage current as specified in
Table A-7
in conjunction with the source resistance
there will be a voltage drop from the signal source to the ATD input. The maximum source resistance R
specifies results in an error (10-bit resolution) of less than 1/2 LSB (2.5 mV) at the maximum leakage
current. If device or operating conditions are less than worst case or leakage-induced error is acceptable,
larger values of source resistance of up to 10Kohm are allowed.
Source Capacitance
When sampling an additional internal capacitor is switched to the input. This can cause a voltage drop due
to charge sharing with the external and the pin capacitance. For a maximum sampling error of the input
1LSB (10-bit resolution), then the external filter capacitor, C
1024 * (C
Current Injection
There are two cases to consider.
1. A current is injected into the channel being converted. The channel being stressed has conversion
values of $3FF (in 10-bit mode) for analog inputs greater than V
and $000 for values less than
unless the current is higher than specified as disruptive condition.
2. Current is injected into pins in the neighborhood of the channel being converted. A portion of this
of the conversion depending on the source resistance.