REV. 1.0, OCT. 29, 2003
It is also possible to determine if the chip is unprotected
in the system by writing the Read Silicon ID command.
Performing a read operation with A1=VIH, it will produce
00H at data outputs (Q0-Q15) for an unprotected sector.
It is noted that all sectors are unprotected after the chip
unprotected algorithm is completed.
This Write Protect function provides a hardware protec-
tion method on the first sector without using VID.
If the system asserts VIL on the WP pin, the device
disable program and erase function in the first sector
independently of whether those sectors were protected
or unprotect using the method described in "Sector Group
Protection and Unprotect".
If the system asserts VIH on the WP pin, the device
reverts to whether the first sector was previously set to
be protected or unprotected using the method described
in "Sector Group Protection and Unprotect".
This feature allows temporary unprotect of previously
protected sector to change data in-system. The Tempo-
rary Sector Unprotect mode is activated by setting the
RESET pin to VID(11.5V-12.5V). During this mode, for-
merly protected sectors can be programmed or erased
as unprotected sector. Once VID is remove from the RE-
SET pin, all the previously protected sectors are pro-
tected again.
Flash memories are intended for use in applications where
the local CPU alters memory contents. As such, manu-
facturer and device codes must be accessible while the
device resides in the target system. PROM program-
mers typically access signature codes by raising A9 to
a high voltage. However, multiplexing high voltage onto
address lines is not generally desired system design prac-
MX29LV640U provides hardware method to access the
silicon ID read operation.Which method requires VID on
A9 pin, VIL on CE, OE, A6, and A1 pins. Which apply
VIL on A0 pin, the device will output MXIC's manufac-
ture code of C2H. Which apply VIH on A0 pin, the device
will output MX29LV640U device code of 22D7H.
MX29LV640U provides hardware method for sector group
protect status verify. Which method requires VID on A9
pin, VIH on WE and A1 pins, VIL on CE, OE, A6, and A0
pins, and sector address on A16 to A21 pins. Which the
identified sector is protected, the device will output 01H.
Which the identified sector is not protect, the device will
output 00H.
The MX29LV640U is designed to offer protection against
accidental erasure or programming caused by spurious
system level signals that may exist during power transi-
tion. During power up the device automatically resets
the state machine in the Read mode. In addition, with its
control register architecture, alteration of the memory
contents only occurs after successful completion of spe-
cific command sequences. The device also incorporates
several features to prevent inadvertent write cycles re-
sulting from VCC power-up and power-down transition or
system noise.