Electrical Characteristics
MPC5567 Microcontroller Data Sheet, Rev. 2
CLKOUT period jitter, measured at fSYS max: 15, 16
Peak-to-peak jitter (clock edge to clock edge)
Long term jitter (averaged over a 2 ms interval)
Frequency modulation range limit 17
(do not exceed fsys maximum)
ICO frequency
fico = [fref_crystal (MFD + 4)] (PREDIV + 1) 18
fico = [fref_ext (MFD + 4)] (PREDIV + 1)
Predivider output frequency (to PLL)
420 19
1 Nominal crystal and external reference values are worst-case not more than 1%. The device operates correctly if the frequency
remains within ± 5% of the specification limit. This tolerance range allows for a slight frequency drift of the crystals over time.
The designer must thoroughly understand the drift margin of the source clock.
2 The 8–20 MHz crystal or external reference values have PLLCFG[2] pulled low.
3 The 20–40 MHz crystal and external reference values have PLLCFG[2] pulled high, and the minimum frequency must be
greater than 20 MHz. Use the 8–20 MHz setting (PLLCFG[2] pulled low) if a 20 MHz crystal or external reference is required.
To exit RESET when using 40 MHz, set PLLCFG[2] to 1.
4 All internal registers retain data at 0 Hz.
5 Up to the maximum frequency rating of the device (refer to Table 1). 6 Loss of reference frequency is defined as the reference frequency detected internally, which transitions the PLL into self-clocked
7 The PLL operates at self-clocked mode (SCM) frequency when the reference frequency falls below fLOR. SCM frequency is
measured on the CLKOUT ball with the divider set to divide-by-two of the system clock.
NOTE: In SCM, the MFD and PREDIV have no effect and the RFD is bypassed.
8 Use the EXTAL input high voltage parameter when using the FlexCAN oscillator in crystal mode (no quartz crystals or
resonators). (Vextal – Vxtal) must be 400 mV for the oscillator’s comparator to produce the output clock.
9 Use the EXTAL input low voltage parameter when using the FlexCAN oscillator in crystal mode (no quartz crystals or
resonators). (Vxtal –Vextal) must be 400 mV for the oscillator’s comparator to produce the output clock.
10 Ixtal is the oscillator bias current out of the XTAL pin with both EXTAL and XTAL pins grounded.
11 CPCB_EXTAL and CPCB_XTAL are the measured PCB stray capacitances on EXTAL and XTAL, respectively.
12 This specification applies to the period required for the PLL to relock after changing the MFD frequency control bits in the
synthesizer control register (SYNCR). From power up with crystal oscillator reference, the lock time also includes the crystal
startup time.
13 PLL is operating in 1:1 PLL mode.
14 VDDE = 3.0–3.6 V.
15 Jitter is the average deviation from the programmed frequency measured over the specified interval at maximum fsys.
Measurements are made with the device powered by filtered supplies and clocked by a stable external clock signal. Noise
injected into the PLL circuitry via VDDSYN and VSSSYN and variation in crystal oscillator frequency increase the jitter percentage
for a given interval. CLKOUT divider is set to divide-by-two.
16 Values are with frequency modulation disabled. If frequency modulation is enabled, jitter is the sum of (jitter + Cmod).
17 Modulation depth selected must not result in fsys value greater than the fsys maximum specified value.
18 fsys = fico (2RFD).
19 Maximum value for dual controller (1:1) mode is (fMAX 2) with the predivider set to 1 (FMPLL_SYNCR[PREDIV] = 0b001).
Table 12. FMPLL Electrical Specifications (continued)
(VDDSYN = 3.0–3.6 V; VSS = VSSSYN = 0.0 V; TA = TL to TH)