Chapter 8 S12X Debug (S12XDBGV3) Module
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual Rev. 1.21
Freescale Semiconductor
Because of an order from the United States International Trade Commission, BGA-packaged product lines and partnumbers
indicated here currently are not available from Freescale for import or sale in the United States prior to September 2010
then state1 of the state sequencer is entered. Further transitions between the states are then controlled by
the state control registers and depend upon a selected trigger mode condition being met. From Final State
the only permitted transition is back to the disarmed state0. Transition between any of the states 1 to 3 is
not restricted. Each transition updates the SSF[2:0] ags in DBGSR accordingly to indicate the current
Alternatively by setting the TRIG bit in DBGSC1, the state machine can be triggered to state0 or Final
State depending on tracing alignment.
A tag hit through TAGHI/TAGLO brings the state sequencer immediately into state0, causes a breakpoint,
if breakpoints are enabled, and ends tracing immediately independent of the trigger alignment bits
Independent of the state sequencer, each comparator channel can be individually congured to generate an
immediate breakpoint when a match occurs through the use of the BRK bits in the DBGxCTL registers.
Thus it is possible to generate an immediate breakpoint on selected channels, whilst a state sequencer
transition can be initiated by a match on other channels. If a debug session is ended by a trigger on a
channel with BRK = 1, the state sequencer transitions through Final State for a clock cycle to state0. This
is independent of tracing and breakpoint activity, thus with tracing and breakpoints disabled, the state
sequencer enters state0 and the debug module is disarmed.
An XGATE S/W breakpoint request, if enabled causes a transition to the State0 and generates a breakpoint
request to the CPU12X immediately
Final State
On entering Final State a trigger may be issued to the trace buffer according to the trace position control
as dened by the TALIGN eld (see
Section”). If TSOURCE in the trace control register DBGTCR
are cleared then the trace buffer is disabled and the transition to Final State can only generate a breakpoint
request. In this case or upon completion of a tracing session when tracing is enabled, the ARM bit in the
DBGC1 register is cleared, returning the module to the disarmed state0. If tracing is enabled, a breakpoint
request can occur at the end of the tracing session. If neither tracing nor breakpoints are enabled then when
the nal state is reached it returns automatically to state0 and the debug module is disarmed.
Trace Buffer Operation
The trace buffer is a 64 lines deep by 64-bits wide RAM array. The S12XDBG module stores trace
information in the RAM array in a circular buffer format. The RAM array can be accessed through a
register window (DBGTBH:DBGTBL) using 16-bit wide word accesses. After each complete 64-bit trace
buffer line is read, an internal pointer into the RAM is incremented so that the next read will receive fresh
information. Data is stored in the format shown in
Table 8-43. After each store the counter register bits
DBGCNT[6:0] are incremented. Tracing of CPU12X activity is disabled when the BDM is active but
tracing of XGATE activity is still possible. Reading the trace buffer whilst the DBG is armed returns
invalid data and the trace buffer pointer is not incremented.