Chapter 29 1024 KByte Flash Module (S12XFTM1024K5V2)
MC9S12XE-Family Reference Manual , Rev. 1.21
Freescale Semiconductor
P-Flash Protection Register (FPROT)
The FPROT register defines which P-Flash sectors are protected against program and erase operations.
Table 29-18. FERSTAT Field Descriptions
EEE Erase Error Interrupt Flag — The setting of the ERSERIF ag occurs due to an error in a Flash erase
command that resulted in the erase operation not being successful during EEE operations. The ERSERIF ag
is cleared by writing a 1 to ERSERIF. Writing a 0 to the ERSERIF ag has no effect on ERSERIF. While
ERSERIF is set, it is possible to write to the buffer RAM EEE partition but the data written will not be transferred
to the D-Flash EEE partition.
0 Erase command successfully completed on the D-Flash EEE partition
1 Erase command failed on the D-Flash EEE partition
EEE Program Error Interrupt Flag — The setting of the PGMERIF ag occurs due to an error in a Flash
program command that resulted in the program operation not being successful during EEE operations. The
PGMERIF ag is cleared by writing a 1 to PGMERIF. Writing a 0 to the PGMERIF ag has no effect on
PGMERIF. While PGMERIF is set, it is possible to write to the buffer RAM EEE partition but the data written will
not be transferred to the D-Flash EEE partition.
0 Program command successfully completed on the D-Flash EEE partition
1 Program command failed on the D-Flash EEE partition
EEE Protection Violation Interrupt Flag —The setting of the EPVIOLIF ag indicates an attempt was made to
write to a protected area of the buffer RAM EEE partition. The EPVIOLIF ag is cleared by writing a 1 to
EPVIOLIF. Writing a 0 to the EPVIOLIF ag has no effect on EPVIOLIF. While EPVIOLIF is set, it is possible to
write to the buffer RAM EEE partition as long as the address written to is not in a protected area.
0 No EEE protection violation
1 EEE protection violation detected
EEE Error Interrupt 1 Flag —The setting of the ERSVIF1 ag indicates that the memory controller was unable
to change the state of a D-Flash EEE sector. The ERSVIF1 ag is cleared by writing a 1 to ERSVIF1. Writing a
0 to the ERSVIF1 ag has no effect on ERSVIF1. While ERSVIF1 is set, it is possible to write to the buffer RAM
EEE partition but the data written will not be transferred to the D-Flash EEE partition.
0 No EEE sector state change error detected
1 EEE sector state change error detected
EEE Error Interrupt 0 Flag —The setting of the ERSVIF0 ag indicates that the memory controller was unable
to format a D-Flash EEE sector for EEE use. The ERSVIF0 ag is cleared by writing a 1 to ERSVIF0. Writing a
0 to the ERSVIF0 ag has no effect on ERSVIF0. While ERSVIF0 is set, it is possible to write to the buffer RAM
EEE partition but the data written will not be transferred to the D-Flash EEE partition.
0 No EEE sector format error detected
1 EEE sector format error detected
Double Bit Fault Detect Interrupt Flag — The setting of the DFDIF ag indicates that a double bit fault was
detected in the stored parity and data bits during a Flash array read operation or that a Flash array read operation
was attempted on a Flash block that was under a Flash command operation. The DFDIF ag is cleared by writing
a 1 to DFDIF. Writing a 0 to DFDIF has no effect on DFDIF.
0 No double bit fault detected
1 Double bit fault detected or an invalid Flash array read operation attempted
Single Bit Fault Detect Interrupt Flag — With the IGNSF bit in the FCNFG register clear, the SFDIF ag
indicates that a single bit fault was detected in the stored parity and data bits during a Flash array read operation
or that a Flash array read operation was attempted on a Flash block that was under a Flash command operation.
The SFDIF ag is cleared by writing a 1 to SFDIF. Writing a 0 to SFDIF has no effect on SFDIF.
0 No single bit fault detected
1 Single bit fault detected and corrected or an invalid Flash array read operation attempted