Ordering Information
ROM Program Verification
MC68HC05P1A — Rev. 3.0
General Release Specification
Ordering Information
Begin the application program at the first user ROM location. Program
addresses must correspond exactly to the available on-chip user ROM
addresses as shown in the memory map. Write $00 in all non-user ROM
locations or leave all non-user ROM locations blank. Refer to the current
MCU ordering form for additional requirements. Motorola may request
pattern re-submission if non-user areas contain any non-zero code.
If the memory map has two user ROM areas with the same address,
then write the two areas in separate files on the diskette. Label the
diskette with both file names.
In addition to the object code, a file containing the source code can be
included. Motorola keeps this code confidential and uses it only to
expedite ROM pattern generation in case of any difficulty with the object
code. Label the diskette with the file name of the source code.
12.5 ROM Program Verification
The primary use for the on-chip ROM is to hold the customer’s
application program. The customer develops and debugs the application
program and then submits the MCU order along with the application
Motorola inputs the customer’s application program code into a
computer program that generates a listing verify file. The listing verify file
represents the memory map of the MCU. The listing verify file contains
the user ROM code and may also contain non-user ROM code, such as
self-check code. Motorola sends the customer a computer printout of the
listing verify file along with a listing verify form.
To aid the customer in checking the listing verify file, Motorola will
program the listing verify file into customer-supplied blank preformatted
Macintosh or DOS disks. All original pattern media are filed for
contractual purposes and are not returned.
Check the listing verify file thoroughly, then complete and sign the listing
verify form and return the listing verify form to Motorola. The signed
listing verify form constitutes the contractual agreement for the creation
of the custom mask.