4 Memory Expansion and Chip Selects
The MC68HC11C0 has the ability to extend the addressing range of the M68HC11 CPU beyond the
physical 64-Kbyte limit of the 16 CPU address lines. The extra addressing capability is provided by a
register-based paging scheme using two expansion address lines and the physical 64 Kbytes of CPU
address space.
Two additional on-chip blocks are necessary to support extended addressing. The first block imple-
ments additional address lines that become active only when required by the CPU. The second block
provides chip-select signals that simplify the interface to external peripheral devices. Both of these
blocks are fully programmable by values written to associated control registers.
4.1 Memory Expansion
Memory expansion is achieved by manipulating the CPU address lines such that, even though the CPU
cannot distinguish more than 64 Kbytes of physical memory, up to 256 Kbytes can be accessed through
a paged memory scheme. Additional address lines XA[17:16] are provided to allow banks of expanded
memory to be selected to appear in a specified bank window. XA[17:16] are implemented as alternate
functions of port G pins PG[2:1]. Bits in the port G enable register (PGEN) define which port G pins are
used for chip selects and memory expansion address lines and which are used for general-purpose I/
O. Port G pull-ups are enabled out of reset in order to provide a logic level one on all chip select and
memory expansion address lines.
The MEM[1:0] bits in PGEN select one of the three memory expansion modes. XA[17:10] in MXHADR/
MXLADR contain the expansion address offset with respect to the current CPU address. When memory
expansion is enabled, and the CPU address falls within the memory expansion window defined by val-
ues in PGxADR registers, CSPROG is activated and the CPU address ADDR[15:0] will be added to the
value in MXHADR/MXLADR and possibly extended to include XA[17:16] before being driven out to the
external device. XA[17:16] will be used only if addressing is extended beyond 64 Kbytes. If the CPU
address falls outside the expansion window, ADDR[15:10] simply reflect the internal CPU address. AD-
DR[9:0] always reflect the internal CPU address. Refer to the Memory Expansion and Program Chip
Select Block Diagram.
In 64-Kbyte mode with no expansion, addressing is limited to 64 Kbytes and ADDR[15:10] are used to
decode the chip selects. Chip select granularity is 1 Kbyte. Memory expansion is disabled. The pro-
gram/vector chip select is disabled. ADDR[15:10] reflect the internal CPU address signals.
In 64-Kbyte expansion mode, addressing is limited to 64 Kbytes and ADDR[15:10] are used to decode
the chip selects. CPU address ADDR[15:10] are recalculated based on the value in MXHADR/MXLADR
registers before being driven out on ADDR[15:10] pins. The program chip select is active if the CPU
address falls within the chip select range defined by values in PGxADR registers. If the CPU address
falls outside the chip select window, ADDR[15:10] remain unchanged and simply reflect the internal ad-
dress signals. XA[17:16] are general-purpose I/O. ADDR[9:0] always reflect the CPU address signals.
In 128-Kbyte expansion mode, ADDR[15:10] are used to decode the chip selects. If the CPU address
falls within the chip select range defined by values in PGxADR registers, it is activated and CPU address
ADDR[15:10] are recalculated based on the value in MXHADR/MXLADR registers before being driven
out on XA16 and ADDR[15:10] pins. If the CPU address falls outside the chip select window, AD-
DR[15:10] simply reflect the internal address signals. XA16 reflects the state of the XA16 bit in MX-
HADR. XA17 is general-purpose I/O. ADDR[9:0] always reflect the CPU address.
In 256-Kbyte expansion mode, ADDR[15:10] are used to decode the chip selects. If the CPU address
falls within the chip select range defined by values in PGxADR registers, it is activated and CPU address
ADDR[15:10] are recalculated based on the value in MXHADR/MXLADR registers before being driven
out on XA[17:16] and ADDR[15:10] pins. If the CPU address falls outside the chip select window, AD-
DR[15:10] simply reflect the internal address signals. XA[17:16] reflect the state of the XA[17:16] bits in
MXHADR/MXLADR. ADDR[9:0] always reflect the CPU address.