Chapter 7 Debug Module (DBGV1) Block Description
Freescale Semiconductor
Rev 1.10
BDM should not be entered from a breakpoint unless the ENABLE bit is set
in the BDM. Even if the ENABLE bit in the BDM is cleared, the CPU
actually executes the BDM rmware code. It checks the ENABLE and
returns if ENABLE is not set. If the BDM is not serviced by the monitor then
the breakpoint would be re-asserted when the BDM returns to normal CPU
There is no hardware to enforce restriction of breakpoint operation if the
BDM is not enabled.
When program control returns from a tagged breakpoint through an RTI or
a BDM GO command, it will return to the instruction whose tag generated
the breakpoint. Unless breakpoints are disabled or modied in the service
routine or active BDM session, the instruction will be tagged again and the
breakpoint will be repeated. In the case of BDM breakpoints, this situation
can also be avoided by executing a TRACE1 command before the GO to
increment the program ow past the tagged instruction.
Using Comparator C in BKP Mode
The original BKP_ST12_A module supports two breakpoints. The DBG_ST12_A module can be used in
BKP mode and allow a third breakpoint using comparator C. Four additional bits, BKCEN, TAGC,
RWCEN, and RWC in DBGC2 in conjunction with additional comparator C address registers, DBGCCX,
DBGCCH, and DBGCCL allow the user to set up a third breakpoint. Using PAGSEL in DBGCCX for
expanded memory will work differently than the way paged memory is done using comparator A and B in
information on using comparator C.
DBG Operating in DBG Mode
Enabling the DBG module in DBG mode, allows the arming, triggering, and storing of data in the trace
buffer and can be used to cause CPU breakpoints. The DBG module is made up of three main blocks, the
comparators, trace buffer control logic, and the trace buffer.
In general, there is a latency between the triggering event appearing on the
bus and being detected by the DBG circuitry. In general, tagged triggers will
be more predictable than forced triggers.
The DBG contains three comparators, A, B, and C. Comparator A compares the core address bus with the
address stored in DBGCAH and DBGCAL. Comparator B compares the core address bus with the address
stored in DBGCBH and DBGCBL except in full mode, where it compares the data buses to the data stored
in DBGCBH and DBGCBL. Comparator C can be used as a breakpoint generator or as the address
comparison unit in the loop1 mode. Matches on comparator A, B, and C are signaled to the trace buffer