MB91360G Series
FR50 CPU : RISC architecture
The CPU has a general-purpose register architecture with improved numeric implementation whereby a wide
range of delayed branch instructions reduces losses in execution time due to pipeline breaks.
Bit manipulation instructions and memory access instructions have been enhanced resulting in improved code
efficiency and execution speed for control implementation.
A five-stage pipeline structure provides high-speed processing (one instruction per cycle)
32-bit linear address space : 4 Gbytes
Fixed 16-bit instruction size (basic instructions)
High-speed multiplication/step division
High-speed interrupt processing (6 cycles)
General-purpose registers : 16 × 32 bits
External bus interface unit with a wide range of functions
Divides the external memory space into a maximum of eight areas. Chip select signal setting, data bus width
selection (8, 16, 32-bit) , and area size can be specified for each area.
Address bus up to 32 bit wide
Programmable auto-wait function
Direct memory access (DMA) can be used to perform various types of data transfer without going via the CPU.
This improves system performance.
Eight channels (including up to 3 external channels)
Four transfer modes supported : single/block, burst, continuous transfer, and fly-by
Power consumption control mechanisms
The MB91360G series contains a number of functions for controlling the operating clock to reduce power
Software control : Sleep and stop/real time clock functions
Hardware control : Hardware standby function
Gear (divider) function : The CPU and peripheral clock frequencies can be set independently.
Contains a range of peripheral functions
UART, U-timer
Real Time Clock (with optional subclock operation and subclock calibration module)
Stepper Motor Control
Sound Generator
Serial I/O (SIO) , SIO-Prescaler
Power Down Reset
Alarm Comparator
I2C Interface
10-bit D/A Converter
CAN Interface
10-bit A/D converter
16-bit reload timer
16-bit PWM timer
Watchdog timer
Bit search module
Interrupt controller
External interrupt inputs
I/O port function
Interrupt levels
“16 maskable interrupt levels”