750mW Audio Amplifiers with Headphone Amp,
Microphone Preamp, and Input Mux
mode, this waveform shapes the frequency spectrum,
minimizing the amount of audible components present
at the headphone. In speaker mode, the BTL amplifiers
start up in the same fashion as in headphone mode.
When entering shutdown, both amplifier outputs ramp
to GND quickly and simultaneously. The devices can
also be connected to a standby power source that
ensures that the device undergoes its full shutdown
cycle even after power has been removed. The value of
the capacitor on the BIAS pin affects the click-and-pop
energy. For optimum click/pop performance, use a 1F
Standby Power Supply (SVDD)
The MAX9765/MAX9766/MAX9767 feature a system
that provides clickless power-down when power is
removed from the device. SVDD is an optional sec-
ondary supply that powers the device through its shut-
down cycle when VDD is removed. During this cycle,
the amplifier output DC level slowly ramps to GND,
ensuring clickless power-down. If clickless power-down
is required, connect SVDD to either a secondary power
supply that is always on, or connect a reservoir capaci-
tor from SVDD to GND. SVDD does not need to be con-
nected to either a secondary power supply or reservoir
capacitor for normal device operation. If click-and-pop
suppression during power-down is not required, con-
nect SVDD to VDD directly.
The clickless power-down cycle only occurs when the
device is in headphone mode. The speaker mode is
inherently clickless, the differential architecture cancels
the DC shift across the speaker. The MAX9765/
MAX9766/MAX9767 BTL outputs are pulled to GND
quickly and simultaneously, resulting in no audible
components. If the MAX9765/MAX9766/MAX9767 are
only used as speaker amplifiers, then reservoir capaci-
tors or secondary supplies are not necessary.
When using a reservoir capacitor, a 220F capacitor
provides optimum charge storage for the shutdown
cycle for all conditions. If a smaller reservoir capacitor
is desired, decrease the size of CBIAS. A smaller CBIAS
causes the output DC level to decay at a faster rate,
increasing the audible content at the speaker, but
reducing the duration of the shutdown cycle.
Digital Interface
The MAX9765/MAX9766 feature an I2C/SMBus-compat-
ible 2-wire serial interface consisting of a serial data
line (SDA) and a serial clock line (SCL). SDA and SCL
facilitate bidirectional communication between the
MAX9765/MAX9766 and the master at clock rates up to
400kHz. Figure 3 shows the 2-wire interface timing dia-
gram. The MAX9765/MAX9766 are transmit/receive
slave-only devices, relying upon a master to generate a
clock signal. The master (typically a microcontroller) ini-
tiates data transfer on the bus and generates SCL to
permit that transfer.
A master device communicates to the MAX9765/
MAX9766 by transmitting the proper address followed
by a command and/or data words. Each transmit
sequence is framed by a START (S) or REPEATED
START (Sr) condition and a STOP (P) condition. Each
word transmitted over the bus is 8 bits long and is
always followed by an acknowledge clock pulse.
The MAX9765/MAX9766 SDA and SCL amplifiers are
open-drain outputs requiring a pullup resistor to gener-
ate a logic-high voltage. Series resistors in line with
SDA and SCL are optional. These series resistors pro-
tect the input stages of the devices from high-voltage
spikes on the bus lines, and minimize crosstalk and
undershoot of the bus signals.
Bit Transfer
One data bit is transferred during each SCL clock
cycle. The data on SDA must remain stable during the
high period of the SCL clock pulse. Changes in SDA
while SCL is high are control signals (see the START
and STOP Conditions section). SDA and SCL idle high
when the I2C bus is not busy.
START and STOP Conditions
When the serial interface is inactive, SDA and SCL idle
high. A master device initiates communication by issu-
ing a START condition. A START condition is a high-to-
low transition on SDA with SCL high. A STOP condition
is a low-to-high transition on SDA while SCL is high
(Figure 4). A START condition from the master signals
the beginning of a transmission to the MAX9765/
MAX9766. The master terminates transmission by issu-
ing the STOP condition; this frees the bus. If a REPEAT-
ED START condition is generated instead of a STOP
Figure 2. HPS Configuration Circuit