10-Bit, 7.5Msps, Full-Duplex
Analog Front-End
Tx DAC Timing
Figure 5 shows the relationship among the clock, input
data, and analog outputs. Channel ID data is latched
on the falling edge of the clock signal, and channel
QD data is latched on the rising edge of the clock sig-
nal, at which point both ID and QD outputs are simul-
taneously updated.
3-Wire Serial Interface and
Operation Modes
The 3-wire serial interface controls the MAX19710 oper-
ation modes as well as the three 12-bit aux-DACs and
the 10-bit aux-ADC. Upon power-up, program the
MAX19710 to operate in the desired mode. Use the 3-
wire serial interface to program the device for shutdown,
idle, standby, FD, Rx, Tx, aux-DAC controls, or aux-ADC
conversion. A 16-bit data register sets the mode control
as shown in Table 3. The 16-bit word is composed of
four control bits (A3–A0) and 12 data bits (D11–D0).
Data is shifted in MSB first (D11) and LSB last (A0) for-
mat. Table 4 shows the MAX19710 power-management
modes. Table 5 shows the SPI-controlled Tx, Rx, and FD
modes. The serial interface remains active in all modes.
SPI Register Description
Program the control bits, A3–A0, in the register as shown
in Table 3 to select the operating mode. Modify A3–A0
bits to select from ENABLE-16, Aux-DAC1, Aux-DAC2,
ENABLE-8, and WAKEUP-SEL modes. ENABLE-16 is
the default operating mode (see Table 6). This mode
allows for shutdown, idle, and standby states as well as
switching between FAST, SLOW, Rx and Tx modes.
Tables 4 and 5 show the required SPI settings for
each mode.
In ENABLE-16 mode, the aux-DACs have independent
control bits E4, E5, and E6, and bit E9 enables the aux-
ADC. Table 7 shows the auxiliary DAC enable codes.
Table 8 shows the auxiliary ADC enable code. Bits E11
and E10 are reserved. Program bits E11 and E10 to
logic-low. Bits E3, E7, and E8 are not used.
Modes aux-DAC1, aux-DAC2, and aux-DAC3 select the
aux-DAC channels named DAC1, DAC2, and DAC3 and
hold the data inputs for each DAC. Bits _D11–_D0 are
the data inputs for each aux-DAC and can be pro-
grammed through SPI. The MAX19710 also includes
two 6-bit registers that can be programmed to adjust the
offsets for the Tx DAC ID and QD channels indepen-
dently (see Table 9). Use the COMSEL mode to select
the output common-mode voltage with bits CM1 and
CM0 (see Table 10). Use the aux-ADC mode to start the
auxiliary ADC conversion (see the
10-Bit, 333ksps
Auxiliary ADC section for details). Use ENABLE-8 mode
for faster enable and switching between shutdown, idle,
and standby states as well as switching between FAST,
SLOW, Rx and Tx modes and the FD mode.
The WAKEUP-SEL register selects the operating mode
that the MAX19710 is to enter immediately after coming
out of shutdown (Table 11). See the
Wake-Up Function
section for more information.
Shutdown mode offers the most dramatic power sav-
ings by shutting down all the analog sections (including
the reference) of the MAX19710. In shutdown mode,
the Rx ADC digital outputs are in tri-state mode, the Tx
DAC digital inputs are internally pulled to OVDD, and
the Tx DAC outputs are at 0V. When the Rx ADC out-
puts transition from tri-state to active mode, the last
converted word is placed on the digital output bus. The
Tx DAC previously stored data is lost when coming out
of shutdown mode. The wake-up time from shutdown
mode is dominated by the time required to charge the
capacitors at REFP, REFN, and COM. In internal refer-
ence mode and buffered external reference mode, the
wake-up time is typically 500s to enter Rx mode,
26.2s to enter Tx mode, and 500s to enter
FD mode.
In all operating modes the Tx DAC inputs DA0–DA9 are
internally pulled to OVDD. To reduce the supply current of
the MAX19710 in shutdown mode do not pull DA0–DA9
low. This consideration is especially important in shut-
down mode to achieve the lowest quiescent current.
In idle mode, the reference and clock distribution cir-
cuits are powered, but all other functions are off. The
Rx ADC outputs AD0–AD9 are forced to tri-state. The
Tx DAC DA0–DA9 inputs are internally pulled to OVDD,
while the Tx DAC outputs are at 0V. The wake-up time
is 7.3s to enter Rx mode, 5.2s to enter Tx mode, and
7.3s to enter FD mode. When the Rx ADC outputs
transition from tri-state to active, the last converted
word is placed on the digital output bus.
In standby mode, the reference is powered but all other
device functions are off. The wake-up time from stand-
by mode is 7.5s to enter Rx mode, 22.2s to enter Tx
mode, and 22.2s to enter FD mode. When the Rx ADC
outputs transition from tri-state to active, the last con-
verted word is placed on the digital output bus.
FAST and SLOW Rx and Tx Modes
The MAX19710 features FAST and SLOW modes for
switching between Rx and Tx operation. In FAST Tx
mode, the Rx ADC core is powered on but the ADC digi-
tal outputs AD0–AD9 are tri-stated. The Tx DAC digital
bus is active and the DAC core is fully operational.