M68HC12B Family Data Sheet, Rev. 9.1
Freescale Semiconductor
Chapter 8
8.1 Introduction
The 32-Kbyte FLASH EEPROM module for the MC68HC912B32 and MC68HC912BC32 serves as
electrically erasable and programmable, non-volatile ROM emulation memory. The module can be used
for program code that must either execute at high speed or is frequently executed, such as operating
system kernels and standard subroutines, or it can be used for static data which is read frequently. The
FLASH EEPROM is ideal for program storage for single-chip applications allowing for field
The MC68HC12BE32 and MC68HC12BC32 does not contain FLASH
The FLASH EEPROM array is arranged in a 16-bit configuration and may be read as either bytes, aligned
words or misaligned words. Access time is one bus cycle for byte and aligned word access and two bus
cycles for misaligned word operations.
The FLASH EEPROM module requires an external program/erase voltage (V
) to program or erase the
FLASH EEPROM array. The external program/erase voltage is provided to the FLASH EEPROM module
via an external V
pin. To prevent damage to the FLASH array, V
should always be greater than or
equal to V
–0.35 V. Programming is by byte or aligned word. The FLASH EEPROM module supports
bulk erase only.
The FLASH EEPROM module has hardware interlocks which protect stored data from accidental
corruption. An erase- and program-protected 2-Kbyte block for boot routines is located at $7800–$7FFF
or $F800–$FFFF, depending upon the mapped location of the FLASH EEPROM array. (The protected
boot block on the initial mask sets, G86W and G75R, is 1-Kbyte and is located at $7C00–$7FFF or
After reset, the FLASH EEPROM array is located from addresses $8000 to $FFFF in single-chip mode.
In expanded modes, the FLASH EEPROM array is located from address $0000 to $7FFF; however, it is
disabled from the memory map. The FLASH EEPROM can be mapped to an alternate address range.
Chapter 5 Operating Modes and Resource Mapping
8.3 FLASH EEPROM Registers
A 4-byte register block controls the FLASH EEPROM module operation. Configuration information is
specified and
programmed independently from the contents of the FLASH EEPROM array. At reset, the
4-byte register section starts at address $00F4.