Serial I/O (Special Modes)
Mitsubishi microcomputers
M16C / 62P Group
Preliminary Specifications Rev.1.0
Specifications in this manual are tentative and subject to change.
I2C mode (SMD2 to SMD0 = 0102, IICM = 1)
Clock synchronous serial I/O
mode (SMD2 to SMD0 = 0012,
IICM = 0)
Factor of interrupt number
15, 17 and 19 (Note 1)(
Refer to Fig 1.20.2)
No acknowledgment
detection (NACK)
Rising edge of SCLi 9th bit
Factor of interrupt number
16, 18 and 20 (Note 1)(
Refer to Fig 1.20.2)
Start condition detection or stop condition detection
(Refer to Fig 1.20.4)
UARTi transmission output
Functions of P63, P67 and
P70 pins
Noise filter width
Read RxDi and SCLi pin
Factor of interrupt number
6, 7 and 10 (Note 1)(Refer
to Fig 1.20.2)
Acknowledgment detection
Rising edge of SCLi 9th bit
Initial value of TxDi and
SDAi outputs
UARTi transmission
Transmission started or
completed (selected by UiIRS)
UARTi reception
When 8th bit received
CKPOL = 0 (rising edge)
CKPOL = 1 (falling edge)
Not delayed
TxDi output
RxDi input
CLKi input or output selected
Possible when the
corresponding port direction bit
= 0
CKPOL = 0 (H)
CKPOL = 1 (L)
SDAi input/output
SCLi input/output
(Cannot be used in I2C mode)
Initial and end values of
Always possible no matter how the corresponding port direction bit is set
The value set in the port register before setting I2C mode (Note 2)
Timing for transferring data
from the UART reception
shift register to the UiRB
IICM2 = 0
(NACK/ACK interrupt)
IICM2 = 1
(UART transmit/ receive interrupt)
CKPH = 1
(Clock delay)
CKPH = 1
(Clock delay)
UARTi transmission
Rising edge of
SCLi 9th bit
UARTi transmission
Falling edge of SCLi
next to the 9th bit
UARTi transmission
Falling edge of SCLi 9th bit
CKPOL = 0 (rising edge)
CKPOL = 1 (falling edge)
Rising edge of SCLi 9th bit
Falling edge of
SCLi 9th bit
Falling and rising
edges of SCLi 9th
Functions of P62, P66 and
P71 pins
Functions of P61, P65 and
P72 pins
i = 0 to 2
Note 1: To change the interrupt sources from one to another, follow the procedure described below.
1. Disable the interrupt of the corresponding interrupt number to be changed.
2. Change interrupt sources from one to another.
3. Set the IR bit for the corresponding interrupt number to 0 (no interrupt request).
4. Set the IPL2 to IPL0 bits for the corresponding interrupt number.
Note 2: Set the initial value of SDAi output while the UiMR register’s SMD2 to SMD0 bits = ‘0002’ (serial I/O disabled).
Note 3: Second data transfer to UiRB register (Rising edge of SCLi 9th bit)
Note 4. First data transfer to UiRB register (Falling edge of SCLi 9th bit)
DMA1 factor (Refer to Fig
UARTi reception
Acknowledgment detection
UARTi reception
Falling edge of SCLi 9th bit
Store received data
1st to 8th bits are stored in
UiRB register bit 0 to bit 7
1st to 8th bits are stored in
UiRB register bit 7 to bit 0
1st to 7th bits are stored in UiRB register
bit 6 to bit 0, with 8th bit stored in UiRB
register bit 8
Read UiRB register
Bit 6 to bit 0 as bit 7
to bit 1, and bit 8 as
bit 0 (Note 4)
Read received data
UiRB register status is read
directly as is
CKPH = 0
(No clock delay)
CKPH = 0
(No clock delay)
1st to 8th bits are
stored in UiRB
register bit 7 to bit 0
(Note 3)
Table 1.20.4. I2C Mode Functions