The LTC4259A-1 implements foldback to reduce the cur-
rent limit when the MOSFET VDS is high; see the Foldback
section. Without foldback, the MOSFET could see as much
as 25.7W for 60ms (typ) when powering a shorted or a
noncompliant PD with only a few ohms of resistance. With
foldback, the MOSFET sees a maximum of 18W for the
duration of tSTART.
The LTC4259A-1’s duty cycle protection enforces 15
times longer off time than on time, preventing successive
attempts to power a defective PD from damaging the
MOSFET. System software can enforce even longer wait
times. When the LTC4259A-1 is operated in semiauto or
manual mode—described in more detail under Operating
Modes—it will not power on a port until commanded to do
so by the host controller. By keeping track of tSTART and
tICUT faults, the host controller can delay turning on the
port again after one of these faults even if the LTC4259A-
1 reports a Detect Good. In this way the host controller
implements a MOSFET cooling off period which may be
programmed to protect smaller MOSFETs from repeated
thermal cycling. The LTC4259A-1 has built-in duty cycle
protection for tICUT and tSTART (see tICUT Timing and tSTART
Timing sections) that is sufficient to protect the MOSFETs
shown in Figure 1.
Before designing a MOSFET into your system, carefully
compare its safe operating area (SOA) with the worst case
conditions (like powering up a defective PD) the device will
face. Using transient suppressors, polyfuses and ex-
tended wait times after disconnecting a PD are effective
strategies to reduce the extremes applied to the external
Surge Suppressors and Circuit Protection
IEEE 802.3af Power over Ethernet is a challenging Hot Swap
application because it must survive the (probably unin-
tentional) abuse of everyone in the building. While hot
swapping boards in a networking or telecom card cage is
done by a trained technician or network administrator,
anyone in the building can plug a device into the network.
Moreover, in a card cage the physical domain being pow-
ered is confined to the card cage. With Power over Ether-
net, the PSE supplies power to devices up to 100 meters
away. Ethernet cables could potentially be cut, shorted
together, and so on by all kinds of events from a contrac-
tor cutting into walls to someone carelessly sticking a
screwdriver where it doesn’t belong. Consequently, the
Power over Ethernet power source (PSE) must be designed
to handle these events.
The most dramatic of these is shorting a powered port.
What the PSE sees depends on how much CAT-5 cable is
between it and the short. If the short occurs on the far end
of a long cable, the cable inductance will prevent the cur-
rent in the cable from increasing too quickly and the
LTC4259A-1’s built-in short-circuit protection will take con-
trol of the situation and turn off the port. Some energy is
stored in the cable, but the transient suppressor on the
port clamps the port voltage when the cable inductance
causes the voltage to fly back after the MOSFET is turned
off. Because the cable only had 600mA or so going through
it, an SMAJ58A or equivalent device can easily control the
port voltage during flyback. With no cable connected at all,
a powered port shorted at the PSE’s RJ-45 connector can
reach high current levels before the port is shut down. There
is no cable inductance to store energy so once the port is
shut down the situation is under control.
A short—hence low inductance—piece of CAT-5 will not
limit the rapid increase of current when the port is shorted.
Even though the LTC4259A-1 short-circuit shutdown is
fast, the cable may have many amps flowing through it
before the MOSFET can be turned off. Due to the high
current, this short piece of cable flies back with significant
energy behind it and must be controlled by the transient
suppressor. Choosing a surge suppressor that will not
develop more than a few volts of forward voltage while
passing more than 10A is important. A positive port volt-
age may forward bias the detect diode (DDETn), bringing
the LTC4259A-1’s DETECT
n pin positive as well and en-
gaging the DETECT
n clamps. This will generally not dam-
age the LTC4259A-1 but extreme cases can cause the
LTC4259A-1 to reset. When it resets, the LTC4259A-1 sig-
nals an interrupt, alerting the host controller which can
then return the LTC4259A-1 to normal operating mode.
A substantial transient surge suppressor can typically
protect the LTC4259A-1 and the rest of the PSE from these
faults. Placing a polyfuse between the RJ-45 connector
and the LTC4259A-1 and its associated circuitry can pro-
vide additional protection. To meet safety requirements,
place the polyfuse in the ground leg of the PSE’s output.