ADIN: ADC Input. A voltage between 0 and 1.28V applied
to this pin is measured by the on-board ADC. Tie to ground
if unused.
ADR0, ADR1, ADR2: Serial Bus Address Inputs. Tying
these pins to ground, open, or INTVCC congures one
of 27 possible addresses. See Table 1 in Applications
ALERT: Fault Alert Output. Open-drain logic output that
is pulled to ground when a fault occurs to alert the host
controller. A fault alert is enabled by setting the corre-
sponding bit in the ALERT register as shown in Table 4.
See Applications Information. Tie to ground if unused.
CONFIG: Conguration Input. Congures the part to control
the two channels together or independently. When CONFIG
is tied to GND both channels start up at the same time. A
fault, EN or ON turn-off command on either channel will
shut down both channels. When CONFIG is tied to INTVCC,
either channel can start up independently. A fault, EN or
ON turn-off command will result in the associated chan-
nel turning off, while the other channel remains on. If one
channel is commanded to turn on while another channel is
in the turn-on sequence, the LTC4222 waits until the rst
channel has nished its turn-on sequence before turning
on the second channel.
EN1, EN2: Enable Input. Ground this pin to indicate a
board is present and enable the N-channel MOSFET to
turn-on. When this pin is high, the MOSFET is not allowed
to turn on. An internal 10μA current source pulls up this
pin. Transitions on this pin are recorded in the FAULT
register. A high-to-low transition activates the logic to read
the state of the ON pin and clear faults. See Applications
EXPOSED PAD: (Pin 33, QFN Package) Exposed Pad. May
be left open or connected to device ground.
FB1, FB2: Foldback Current Limit and Power-Good Input.
A resistive divider from the output is tied to this pin. When
the voltage at this pin drops below 1.235V, power is not
considered good. The power bad condition may result
in the GPIO pin pulling low or going high impedance
depending on the conguration of CONTROL register
bits 6 and 7. Also a power bad fault is logged when the
FB pin is low, the LTC4222 has nished the startup cycle
and the GATE pin is high. See Applications Information.
The start-up current limit folds back from 50mV sense
voltage to 16.6mV as the FB voltage drops from 0.8V to
0.2V. Foldback is not active once the part leaves startup
and the current limit is increased to 150mV.
GATE1, GATE2: Gate Drive for External N-Channel MOSFET.
An internal 12μA current source charges the gate of the
MOSFET. No compensation capacitor is required on the
GATE pin, but a resistor and capacitor network from this
pin to ground may be used to set the turn-on output volt-
age slew rate. During turn-off there is a 1mA pull-down
current. During a short circuit or undervoltage lockout (VDD
or INTVCC), a 450mA pull-down current source between
GATE and SOURCE is activated.
GND: Device Ground.
GPIO1, GPIO2: General Purpose Input/Output. Open-drain
logic output or logic input. Defaults to an output set to pull
low to indicate power is not good. Congure according
to Table 3.
INTVCC: Low Voltage Supply Decoupling Output. Connect
a 0.1μF capacitor from this pin to ground.
ON: (QFN Package) On Control Input. Formed by internally
ON1, ON2: (SSOP Package) On Control Inputs. A rising
edge turns on the external N-channel FET and a falling edge
turns it off. This pin also congures the state of the FET
ON register bit (and hence the external FET) at power up.
For example, if the ON pin is tied high, then the FET ON bit
(Control bit 3 in Table 3) goes high 100ms after power-up.
Likewise if the ON pin is tied low then the channel remains
off after power-up until the FET ON bit is set high using
the I2C bus. A high-to-low transition on this pin clears the
fault register for the related channel. The two ON pins are
tied together internally on the QFN package.
OV1, OV2: Overvoltage Comparator Input. Connect this pin
to an external resistive divider from VDD. If the voltage at
this pin rises above 1.235V, an overvoltage fault is detected
and the GATE turns off. Tie to GND if unused.