1.0 Functional Description (Continued)
TABLE 5. FastLock Decoding
FastLock Status
(Note 7)
FastLock State
FastLock Mode #1
1 (Note 7)
No Timeout Counter - 1X Divider
FastLock Mode #2
Timeout Counter - 1X Divider
FastLock Mode #3
1 (Note 7)
No Timeout Counter - 1/4X Divider
FastLock Mode #4
Timeout Counter - 1/4X Divider
Note 7: When the GO bit N[19] is set to one, the part is forced into the high gain mode. When the timeout counter is activated, termination of the counter cycle resets
the GO bit to 0. If the timeout counter is not activated, N[19] must be reprogrammed to zero in order to remove the high gain state. See below for descriptions of
each individual FastLock mode.
There are two techniques of switching in and out of FastLock. To program the device into any of the FastLock modes, the GO bit
N[19] must be set to one to begin FastLock operation. In the first approach, the timeout counter can be used (FastLock 2 and 4)
to stay in FastLock mode for a programmable number of phase detector reference cycles (up to 63) and then reset the GO bit
automatically. In the second approach (FastLock 1 and 3) without the timeout counter, the PLL will remain in FastLock mode until
the user resets the GO bit via the MICROWIRE serial bus. Once the GO bit is set to zero by the timeout counter or by
MICROWIRE, the PLL will then return to normal operation. This transition does not effect the charge on the loop filter capacitors
and is enacted synchronous with the charge pump output. This creates a nearly seamless transition between FastLock and
standard mode.
FastLock Mode 1 In this mode, the output level of the FL
o is programmed in a low state while the ICPo is in the 4x state. The
device remains in this state until a command is received, resetting the N[19] bit to zero. Programming N[19]
to zero will return the device to normal operation*., i.e., ICP
o = 1x and FLo returned to TRI-STATE.
FastLock Mode 2 Identical to mode 1, except the switching of the device out of FastLock is controlled by the Timeout counter.
The device will remain in FastLock until the timeout counter has counted down the appropriate number of
phase detector cycles, at which time the PLL returns to normal operation*.
FastLock Mode 3 This mode is similar to mode 1 in that the output level of the FL
o is low and the ICPo is switched to the 4x state.
Additionally, the R and N divide ratios are reduced by one fourth during the transient, resulting in a 16x
improved gain. As in mode 1, the device remains in this state until a MICROWIRE command is received,
resetting the N[19] bit to zero and returning the device to normal operation*.
FastLock Mode 4 Identical to mode 3, except the switching of the device out of FastLock is controlled by the Timeout counter.
The device will remain in FastLock until the timeout counter has counted down the appropriate number of
phase detector cycles, at which time the PLL returns to normal operation*.
*Normal Operation FastLock Normal Operation is defined as the device being in low current mode and standard divider values.