Operation Descriptions
As mentioned in the section ‘Forced-PWM Mode and Pulse-
skip Mode’ under startup, since the current is high until the
output capacitors have charged up, there will be no observ-
able difference in the shape of the ramp-up of the output rail
in either SKIP mode or FPWM mode. The design has thus
forced the startup waveforms to be identical irrespective of
whether the FPWM mode or the SKIP mode has been
When the EN pin is driven low, the LM27241 initiates shut-
down by turning OFF both upper and lower FETs completely
(this occurs irrespective of FPWM or SKIP modes). See
Figure 6
for a typical shutdown plot and note that the LDRV
goes to zero (and stays there). Though not displayed, Power
Good also goes low within less than 100ns of the EN pin
going low (t
, see Electrical Characteristics table). There-
fore in this case, the controller is NOT waiting for the output
to actually fall out of the Power Good window before it
signals Power Not Good. When the part is shutdown with a
constant current load, the time taken for the output to decay
may be calculated using the equation V/t = i/C. For example,
there is a constant current 2A load applied at the output and
the charge stored on the output capacitor continues to dis-
charge into the load. From V/t = i/C = 2A/330μF, it can be
seen that the output voltage (say 1V) will fall to zero in about
PGOOD is an open-drain output pin with an external pull-up
resistor connected to 5V. It goes high (non-conducting) when
the output is within the regulation band as determined by the
Power Good window detector stage on the feedback pin
(see Block Diagram). PGOOD goes low (conducting) when
the output falls out of this window. This signal is referred to
as Power Not Good here. A glitch filter of 7μs filters out
noise, and helps to prevent spurious PGOOD responses. So
Power Not Good is not asserted until 7μs after the output has
fallen out of the Power Good window (see
Electrical Characteristics table). With the feedback pin volt-
age rising towards regulation value, there is a 20μs delay
between the output being in regulation and the signaling of
Power Good (see
in Electrical Characteristics
table). Power Not Good is signaled within 100ns of the
Enable pin being pulled low (see
in Electrical Charac-
teristics table), irrespective of the fact that the output could
still be in regulation. The Soft-start capacitor is also then
discharged as explained earlier.
If the output falls outside the Power Good window, the
response is a ‘Power Not Good’ signal. The FET drive sig-
nals are not affected. But under a fault condition assertion,
LDRV goes high immediately turning the low-side FET ON
and discharging the output capacitors. The inductor current
will then invariably slew momentarily negative (passing from
drain to source of low-side FET), before it settles down to
zero. A fault will be detected when the output falls below the
Under-voltage threshold, or rises above the Over-voltage
threshold. From its detection to assertion, there is a 7μs
delay to help to prevent spurious responses.Afault condition
is also asserted during a loss of the VIN rail or the VDD rail.
If the Enable pin is brought low prior to this fault, a soft
shutdown will occur. To recover from a fault, either of the
following options is available:
1) Enable pin is toggled: i.e. taken low (below 0.8V), then
high again (2V to 5V). This must be done with VDD between
4.5V to 5V and VIN within normal range (5.5V to 28V).
2) VDD is brought below 1.0V and then brought back up
between 4.5V to 5V. This must be done with the Enable pin
held high (2V to 5V) and VIN within normal range (5.5V to
Recovery will initiate a Soft-start sequence (see description
under section ‘Soft-start’ above).
The LM27241 has an internal comparator that monitors VIN.
If VIN falls to approximately 4.4V, switching ceases and both
top and bottom FETs are turned OFF. ‘Power Not Good’ has
meanwhile already been signaled and a fault condition as-
serted shortly thereafter.
CH1: LDRV, CH2: Vo, CH3: SW, CH4: I
Output 1V
2A, VIN = 10V, FPWM/SKIP, L = 10μH, f = 300kHz, C
FIGURE 6. Shutdown
FIGURE 7. Startup Power OK