Maximum Duty Cycle / Input Drop-
out Voltage
There is a forced off-time of 500ns implemented each cycle
to guarantee sufficient time for the diode current to be sam-
pled. This forced off-time limits the maximum duty cycle of the
buck switch. The maximum duty cycle will vary with the op-
erating frequency.
MAX = 1 - Fs x 500ns
Where Fs is the oscillator frequency. Limiting the maximum
duty cycle will raise the input dropout voltage. The input
dropout voltage is the lowest input voltage required to main-
tain regulation of the output voltage. An approximation of the
input dropout voltage is:
Where V
D is the voltage drop across the re-circulatory diode.
Operating at high switching frequency raises the minimum in-
put voltage necessary to maintain regulation.
Current Limit
The LM25575Q0 contains a unique current monitoring
scheme for control and over-current protection. When set
correctly, the emulated current sense signal provides a signal
which is proportional to the buck switch current with a scale
factor of 1.0 V / A. The emulated ramp signal is applied to the
current limit comparator. If the emulated ramp signal exceeds
2.1V (2.1A) the present current cycle is terminated (cycle-by-
cycle current limiting). In applications with small output induc-
tance and high input voltage the switch current may overshoot
due to the propagation delay of the current limit comparator.
If an overshoot should occur, the diode current sampling cir-
cuit will detect the excess inductor current during the off-time
of the buck switch. If the sample & hold DC level exceeds the
2.1V current limit threshold, the buck switch will be disabled
and skip pulses until the diode current sampling circuit detects
the inductor current has decayed below the current limit
threshold. This approach prevents current runaway condi-
tions due to propagation delays or inductor saturation since
the inductor current is forced to decay following any current
The soft-start feature allows the regulator to gradually reach
the initial steady state operating point, thus reducing start-up
stresses and surges. The internal soft-start current source,
set to 10A, gradually increases the voltage of an external
soft-start capacitor connected to the SS pin. The soft-start
capacitor voltage is connected to the reference input of the
error amplifier. Various sequencing and tracking schemes
can be implemented using external circuits that limit or clamp
the voltage level of the SS pin.
In the event a fault is detected (over-temperature, Vcc UVLO,
SD) the soft-start capacitor will be discharged. When the fault
condition is no longer present a new soft-start sequence will
Boost Pin
The LM25575Q0 integrates an N-Channel buck switch and
associated floating high voltage level shift / gate driver. This
gate driver circuit works in conjunction with an internal diode
and an external bootstrap capacitor. A 0.022F ceramic ca-
pacitor, connected with short traces between the BST pin and
SW pin, is recommended. During the off-time of the buck
switch, the SW pin voltage is approximately -0.5V and the
bootstrap capacitor is charged from Vcc through the internal
bootstrap diode. When operating with a high PWM duty cycle,
the buck switch will be forced off each cycle for 500ns to en-
sure that the bootstrap capacitor is recharged.
Under very light load conditions or when the output voltage is
pre-charged, the SW voltage will not remain low during the
off-time of the buck switch. If the inductor current falls to zero
and the SW pin rises, the bootstrap capacitor will not receive
sufficient voltage to operate the buck switch gate driver. For
these applications, the PRE pin can be connected to the SW
pin to pre-charge the bootstrap capacitor. The internal pre-
charge MOSFET and diode connected between the PRE pin
and PGND turns on each cycle for 250ns just prior to the onset
of a new switching cycle. If the SW pin is at a normal negative
voltage level (continuous conduction mode), then no current
will flow through the pre-charge MOSFET/diode.
Thermal Protection
Internal Thermal Shutdown circuitry is provided to protect the
integrated circuit in the event the maximum junction temper-
ature is exceeded. When activated, typically at 180°C, the
controller is forced into a low power reset state, disabling the
output driver and the bias regulator. This feature is provided
to prevent catastrophic failures from accidental device over-