Rev. 1.00
June 29, 2001
(T0F/T1F; bit 5/6 of INTC) at the same time.
In the pulse width measurement mode with the
TON and TE bits equal to one, once the
TMR0/TMR1 has received a transient from low
to high (or high to low; if the TE bit is 0) it will
start counting until the TMR0/TMR1 returns to
result will remain in the timer/event counter
even if the activated transient occurs again. In
other words, only one cycle measurements can
be done. When TON is set again, the cycle mea-
surement will function again as long as it re-
ceives further transient pulses. Note that, in
this operating mode, the timer/event counter
starts counting not according to the logic level
but according to the transient edges. In the case
of counter overflows, the counter is reloaded
from the timer/event counter preload register
and issues the interrupt request just like in the
other two modes.
To enable the counting operation, the Timer
ON bit (TON; bit 4 of TMR0C/TMR1C) should
be set to 1. In the pulse width measurement
mode, TON will be cleared automatically after
the measurement cycle is complete. But in the
other two modes TON can only be reset by in-
struction. The overflow of the timer/event coun-
ter is one of the wake-up sources. No matter
what the operation mode is, writing a 0 to
ET0I/ET1I can disable the corresponding inter-
rupt service.
In the case of a timer/event counter OFF condi-
tion, writing data to the timer/event counter
preload register will also reload that data to the
timer/event counter. But if the timer/event
counter is turned on, data written to the
timer/event counter will only be kept in the
timer/event counter preload register. The
timer/event counter will continue to operate
until an overflow occurs.
When the timer/event counter (reading
TMR0H/TMR1H) is read, the clock will be
blocked to avoid errors. As this may result in
a counting error, this must be taken into con-
sideration by the programmer.
R to F function
The HTG2190 provides an "R to F" (Resistor to
Frequency) function for temperature measure-
ment and so on.
The application circuit is shown below.
R1 is a fixed resistor about 10k
while R2 is a thermistor whose resistance is
variable according to the temperature. C is a
capacitance about 2200pF for charge and dis-
charge purposes. It should be noted that, if the
R to F function is selected, the pull-high resis-
tors of TMR1, PB2 and PB3 should be disabled
in advance. The pull-high resistors of PB2 and
PB3 can be disabled by mask option, while
TMR1 pull-high resistor can be disabled by
software instruction. The related frequency of
R1 is measured by setting PB3 to be an output
pin and PB2 to be an input pin. Then set the
PB3 to be a source current to charge the capaci-
tance C. If the charged voltage arrives as V
(input high voltage) of S1 gate, the NMOS will
be turned on for discharge. The same manner
can be used for measuring the related fre-
quency of R2, but the roles of PB2 and PB3
for reference,
* .
* 4
R to F application circuit
& < B " G 4 =
8 9 & < B " G=
R to F structure