Timing Diagrams
READ Mode (Command Code : 1 1 0)
Rev. 1.30
August 6, 2003
erator. The LCD ON command, on the other hand, turns
the LCD display on by enabling the LCD bias generator.
The BIAS and COM are the LCD panel related com-
mands. Using the LCD related commands, the HT1621
can be compatible with most types of LCD panels.
Command Format
The HT1621 can be configured by the S/W setting. There
are two mode commands to configure the HT1621 re-
ration mode of the HT1621 is called command mode, and
its command mode ID is
1 0 0
. The command mode con-
sists of a system configuration command, a system
frequency selection command, a LCD configuration com-
mand, a tone frequency selection command, a timer/WDT
setting command, and an operating command. The data
mode, on the other hand, includes READ, WRITE, and
READ-MODIFY-WRITE operations. The following are the
data mode IDs and the command mode ID:
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 0 1
1 0 0
The mode command should be issued before the data
or command is transferred. If successive commands
have been issued, the command mode ID, namely
1 0 0
can be omitted. While the system is operating in the
non-successive command or the non-successive ad-
dressdatamode,theCSpinshouldbesetto 1 andthe
previous operation mode will be reset also. Once the CS
pin returns to 0 a new operation mode ID should be is-
sued first.
Only four lines are required to interface with the
HT1621. The CS line is used to initialize the serial inter-
face circuit and to terminate the communication between
the data and command issued between the host controller
and the HT1621 are first disabled and then initialized. Be-
fore issuing a mode command or mode switching, a high
level pulse is required to initialize the serial interface of the
HT1621. The DATAline is the serial data input/output line.
Data to be read or written or commands to be written have
to be passed through the DATA line. The RD line is the
READ clock input. Data in the RAM are clocked out on the
falling edge of the RD signal, and the clocked out data will
then appear on the DATAline. It is recommended that the
host controller read in correct data during the interval be-
tween the rising edge and the next falling edge of the RD
signal. The WR line is the WRITE clock input. The data,
address, and command on the DATA line are all clocked
is an optional IRQ line to be used as an interface between
the host controller and the HT1621. The IRQ pin can be
selected as a timer output or a WDT overflow flag output
by the S/W setting. The host controller can perform the
time base or the WDT function by being connected with
the IRQ pin of the HT1621.
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