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DS17285 ONLY
X1, X2 - Connections for a standard 32.768 kHz quartz crystal. For greatest accuracy, the DS17285 must
be used with a crystal that has a specified load capacitance of either 6 pF or 12.5 pF. The Crystal Select
(CS) bit in Extended Control Register 4B is used to select operation with a 6 pF or 12.5 pF crystal. The
crystal is attached directly to the X1 and X2 pins. There is no need for external capacitors or resistors.
Note: X1 and X2 are very high impedance nodes. It is recommended that they and the crystal be guard-
ringed with ground and that high frequency signals be kept away from the crystal area.
For more information on crystal selection and crystal layout considerations, please consult Application
Note 58, “Crystal Considerations with Dallas Real Time Clocks.” The DS17285 can also be driven by an
external 32.768 kHz oscillator. In this configuration, the X1 pin is connected to the external oscillator
signal and the X2 pin is floated.
VBAT - Battery input for any standard 3-volt lithium cell or other energy source. Battery voltage must be
held between 2.5 and 3.7 volts for proper operation.
The real-time clock function will continue to operate and all of the RAM, time, calendar, and alarm
memory locations remain nonvolatile regardless of the level of the VCC input. When VCC is applied to the
DS17285/DS17287 and reaches a level of greater than VPF (power fail trip point), the device becomes
accessible after tREC, provided that the oscillator is running and the oscillator countdown chain is not in
reset (see Register A). This time period allows the system to stabilize after power is applied.
The DS17285/DS17287 is available in either a 3-volt or a 5-volt device.
The 5-volt device is fully accessible and data can be written and read only when VCC is greater than
4.5 volts. When VCC is below 4.5 volts, read and writes are inhibited. However, the timekeeping
function continues unaffected by the lower input voltage. As VCC falls below the greater of VBAT and
VBAUX, the RAM and timekeeper are switched over to a lithium battery connected either to the VBAT pin
or VBAUX pin.
The 3-volt device is fully accessible and data can be written or read only when VCC is greater than
2.7 volts. When VCC falls below VPF, access to the device is inhibited. If VPF is less than VBAT and
VBAUX , the power supply is switched from VCC to the backup supply (the greater of VBAT and VBAUX)
when VCC drops below VPF. If VPF is greater than VBAT and VBAUX, the power supply is switched from
VCC to the backup supply when VCC drops below the larger of VBAT and VBAUX.
When VCC falls below VPF, the chip is write-protected. With the possible exception of the KS , PWR ,
and SQW pins, all inputs are ignored and all outputs are in a high impedance state.