SD_SAT_Cr[7:0] SD Saturation Cr Channel, Address 0xE4 [7:0]
Rev. 0 | Page 23 of 96
This register allows the user to control the gain of the Cr
channel only, which in turn adjusts the saturation of the picture.
Table 22. SD_SAT_Cr Function
0x80 (default)
Gain on Cr channel = 0 dB.
Gain on Cb channel = 42 dB.
Gain on Cb channel = +6 dB.
SD_OFF_Cb[7:0] SD Offset Cb Channel, Address 0xE1 [7:0]
This register allows the user to select an offset for the Cb
channel only and adjust the hue of the picture. There is a
functional overlap with the Hue [7:0] register.
Table 23. SD_OFF_Cb Function
0x80 (default)
0 offset applied to the Cb channel.
312 mV offset applied to the Cb channel.
+312 mV offset applied to the Cb channel.
SD_OFF_Cr [7:0] SD Offset Cr Channel, Address 0xE2 [7:0]
This register allows the user to select an offset for the Cr channel
only and adjust the hue of the picture. There is a functional
overlap with the Hue [7:0] register.
Table 24. SD_OFF_Cr Function
0x80 (default)
0 offset applied to the Cr channel
312 mV offset applied to the Cr channel
+312 mV offset applied to the Cr channel
BRI[7:0] Brightness Adjust, Address 0x0A [7:0]
This register controls the brightness of the video signal. It allows
the user to adjust the brightness of the picture.
Table 25. BRI Function
0x00 (default)
Offset of the luma channel = 0IRE.
Offset of the luma channel = 100IRE.
Offset of the luma channel = –100IRE.
HUE[7:0] Hue Adjust, Address 0x0B [7:0]
This register contains the value for the color hue adjustment. It
allows the user to adjust the hue of the picture.
HUE[7:0] has a range of ±90°, with 0x00 equivalent to an
adjustment of 0°. The resolution of HUE[7:0] is 1 bit = 0.7°.
The hue adjustment value is fed into the AM color demodula-
tion block. Therefore, it only applies to video signals that contain
chroma information in the form of an AM-modulated carrier
(CVBS or Y/C in PAL or NTSC). It does not affect SECAM and
does not work on component video inputs (YPrPb).
Table 26. HUE Function
(Adjust Hue of the Picture)
0x00 (default)
Phase of the chroma signal = 0°.
Phase of the chroma signal = –90°.
Phase of the chroma signal = +90°.
DEF_Y[5:0] Default Value Y, Address 0x0C [7:2]
When the ADV7181B loses lock on the incoming video signal
or when there is no input signal, the DEF_Y[5:0] register allows
the user to specify a default luma value to be output. This value
is used under the following conditions:
ADV7181B lost lock to the input video signal. This is the
intended mode of operation (automatic mode).
If DEF_VAL_AUTO_EN bit is set to high and the
the video decoder. This is a forced mode that may be useful
during configuration.
The DEF_VAL_EN bit is set, regardless of the lock status of
The DEF_Y[5:0] values define the 6 MSBs of the output video.
The remaining LSBs are padded with 0s. For example, in 8-bit
mode, the output is Y[7:0] = {DEF_Y[5:0], 0, 0}.
DEF_Y[5:0] is 0x0D (Blue) is the default value for Y.
Register 0x0C has a default value of 0x36.
DEF_C[7:0] Default Value C, Address 0x0D [7:0]
The DEF_C[7:0] register complements the DEF_Y[5:0] value. It
defines the 4 MSBs of Cr and Cb values to be output if
The DEF_VAL_AUTO_EN bit is set to high and the
ADV7181B can’t lock to the input video (automatic mode).
DEF_VAL_EN bit is set to high (forced output).
The data that is finally output from the ADV7181B for the
chroma side is Cr[7:0] = {DEF_C[7:4], 0, 0, 0, 0}, Cb[7:0] =
{DEF_C[3:0], 0, 0, 0, 0}.
DEF_C[7:0] is 0x7C (blue) is the default value for Cr and Cb.