So, from Equation 5:
PFD =×
. GHz
where INT = 138 and FRAC = 30.
IF Synthesizer: An Example
The IF synthesizer should be programmed as follows:
where IFOUT = the output frequency of external voltage controlled
oscillator (VCO), P = the IF prescaler, B = the B counter value,
and A = the A counter value.
Equation 5 applies in this example as well.
For example, in a GSM1800 system, where 540 MHz IF fre-
quency output (IFOUT) is required, a 13 MHz reference frequency
input (REFIN) is available and a 200 kHz channel resolution
(FRES) is required on the IF output. The prescaler is set to 16/17.
IF REFIN doubler is disabled.
By Equation 5,
if R = 65.
By Equation 6,
if B = 168 and A = 12.
The choice of modulus (MOD) depends on the reference signal
(REFIN) available and the channel resolution (FRES) required at
the RF output. For example, a GSM system with 13 MHz
REFIN would set the modulus to 65. This means that the RF
output resolution (FRES) is the 200 kHz (13 MHz/65) necessary
for GSM.
Reference Doubler and Reference Divider
There is a reference doubler on-chip, which allows the input
reference signal to be doubled. This is useful for increasing the
PFD comparison frequency. Making the PFD frequency higher
improves the noise performance of the system. Doubling the
PFD frequency will usually result in an improvement in noise
performance of 3 dB. It is important to note that the PFD can-
not be operated above 30 MHz due to a limitation in the speed
of the
circuit of the N divider.
12-Bit Programmable Modulus
Unlike most other fractional-N PLLs, the ADF4252 allows the
user to program the modulus over a 12-bit range. This means
that the user can set up the part in many different configurations
for a specific application, when combined with the reference
doubler and the 4-bit R counter.
For example, in an application that requires 1.75 GHz RF and
200 kHz channel step resolution, the system has a 13 MHz
reference signal.
One possible setup is feeding the 13 MHz directly to the PFD
and programming the modulus to divide by 65. This results in
the required 200 kHz resolution.
Another possible setup is using the reference doubler to create
26 MHz from the 13 MHz input signal. This 26 MHz is then
fed into the PFD. The modulus is now programmed to divide by
130, which also results in 200 kHz resolution. This offers supe-
rior phase noise performance over the previous setup.
The programmable modulus is also very useful for multistandard
applications. If a dual-mode phone requires PDC and GSM1800
standards, the programmable modulus is a huge benefit. PDC
requires 25 kHz channel step resolution, whereas GSM1800
requires 200 kHz channel step resolution. A 13 MHz reference
signal could be fed directly to the PFD. The modulus would
then be programmed to 520 when in PDC mode (13 MHz /520 =
25 kHz). The modulus would be reprogrammed to 65 for
GSM1800 operation (13 MHz/65 = 200 kHz). It is important
that the PFD frequency remains constant (13 MHz). This allows
the user to design one loop filter that can be used in both setups
without any stability issues. It is the ratio of the RF frequency to
the PFD frequency that affects the loop design. Keeping this
relationship constant, and instead changing the modulus factor,
results in a stable filter.
Spurious Optimization and Fastlock
As mentioned in the Noise and Spur Setting section, the part can
be optimized for spurious performance. However, in fastlocking
applications, the loop bandwidth needs to be wide. Therefore,
the filter does not provide much attenuation of the spurious. The
programmable charge pump can be used to avoid this issue. The
filter is designed for a narrow-loop bandwidth so that steady-state
spurious specifications are met. This is designed using the low-
est charge pump current setting. To implement fastlock during
a frequency jump, the charge pump current is set to the maxi-
mum setting for the duration of the jump. This has the effect of
widening the loop bandwidth, which improves lock time. When the
PLL has locked to the new frequency, the charge pump is again
programmed to the lowest charge pump current setting. This
will narrow the loop bandwidth to its original cutoff frequency
to allow for better attenuation of the spurious than the wide-loop
Spurious Signals—Predicting Where They Will Appear
Just as in integer-N PLLs, spurs will appear at PFD frequency
offsets on either side of the carrier (and multiples of the PFD
frequency). In a fractional-N PLL, spurs will also appear at
frequencies equal to the RFOUT channel step resolution (FRES).
The ADF4252 uses a high order fractional interpolator engine,
which results in spurs also appearing at frequencies equal to
half of the channel step resolution. For example, examine the
GSM1800 setup with a 26 MHz PFD and 200 kHz resolution.
Spurs will appear at
±26 MHz from the RF carrier (at an
extremely low level due to filtering). Also, there will be spurs at
±200 kHz from the RF carrier. Due to the fractional interpolator
architecture used in the ADF4252, spurs will also appear at