Preliminary Technical Data
proportional to Active power, reactive power, or Apparent/Irms
Rev. PrD | Page 64 of 140
The selection between Irms and Apparent power is done by the
VARMSCFCON bit in the MODE2 register (0x0C). With this
selection, CF2 cannot be proportional to apparent power if CF1
is proportional to Irms and vice-versa.
Pulse output characteristic
The pulse output for both DFC stays low for 90ms if the pulse
period is larger than 180ms (5.56Hz). If the pulse period is
smaller than 180ms, the duty cycle of the pulse output is 50%.
The pulse output is active low and should be preferably
connected to an LED as shown on
Figure 53
Figure 53. CF Pulse output
The maximum output frequency, with ac input signals at full
scale and CFxNUM = 0x00 and CFxDEN = 0x00, is
approximately 21.1 kHz.
The ADE7169F16 incorporates two registers, CFxNUM[15:0]
and CFxDEN[15:0] per DFC, to set the CFx frequency. These
are unsigned 16-bit registers, which can be used to adjust the
CFx frequency to a wide range of values. These frequency-
scaling registers are 16-bit registers, which can scale the output
frequency by 1/2
to 1 with a step of 1/2
If the value 0 is written to any of these registers, the value 1
would be applied to the register. The ratio CFxNUM / CFxDEN
should be smaller than 1 to ensure proper operation. If the ratio
of the registers CFxNUM / CFxDEN is greater than 1, the register
values would be adjusted to a ratio of 1. For example, if the
output frequency is 1.562 kHz while the contents of CFxDEN
are 0 (0x000), then the output frequency can be set to 6.1 Hz by
writing 0xFF to the CFxDEN register.
The ADE7169F16 provides measurements of active, reactive,
and apparent energies that use separate paths and filtering for
calculation. The difference in data paths can result in small
differences in LSB weight between active, reactive and apparent
energy registers. These measurements are internally
compensated so the scaling is nearly one to one. The
relationship between the registers is show in Table 42. In Table
43, the relationship between WATTGAIN, VARGAIN and
VAGAIN is given. These relationships can be used for
calibration and simplify the adjustment of VAR and VA gains.
As VAR and VA gains can be deducted from WGAIN, there is
no need to do reactive or apparent gai adjustment.
Table 42. Energy Registers scaling
Line Frequency = 50Hz
Line Frequency = 60Hz
Integrator OFF
VAR = 0.9952
VAR = 0.9949
VA = 0.9978
VA = 1.0015
Integrator ON
VAR = 0.9997
VAR = 0.9999
VA = 0.9977
Table 43. Gain compensation adjustments
Line Frequency = 50Hz
VA = 1.0015
Line Frequency = 60Hz
Integrator OFF
VARGAIN = 19.76 +
VARGAIN = 21 +
VAGAIN = 9.03 +
VAGAIN = -60.53 +
Integrator ON
VARGAIN = 1.23 +
VARGAIN = 0.41 +
VAGAIN = 9.44 +
VAGAIN = -60.53 +
The Energy Measurement part of the ADE7169F16 has its own
interrupt vector for the 8052 core – Vector address 0x004B – see
Interrupt Vectors section. The bits set in the Interrupt Enable
Register 1 SFR (MIRQENL, 0xD9), Interrupt Enable Register 2
SFR (MIRQENM, 0xDA), and Interrupt Enable Register 3 SFR
(MIRQENH, 0xDB) enables the energy measurement interrupts
that are allowed to interrupt the 8052 core. If an event is not
enabled, it cannot create a system interrupt.
The ADE interrupt stays active until the status bit that has
created the interrupt is cleared. Two methods can be used to
clear the ADE interrupt:
- When bit 6 (ADEIAUTCLR) of the Power Management
Interrupt Enable SFR (IPSME, 0xEC) is set, all the status bits of
the ADE irq status register (1, 2 or 3) are cleared when the
register is read.
- When bit 6 (ADEIAUTCLR) of the Power Management