Rev. 0 | Page 40 of 88
The flexible serial data input and output ports of the ADAU1461
can be set to accept or transmit data in 2-channel format or in
a 4-channel or 8-channel TDM stream to interface to external
ADCs or DACs. Data is processed in twos complement, MSB
first format. The left channel data field always precedes the right
channel data field in 2-channel streams. In TDM mode, Slot 0
to Slot 3 are in the first half of the audio frame, and Slot 4 to
Slot 7 are in the second half of the frame. The serial modes and
the position of the data in the frame are set in Register R15 to
Register R18 (serial port and converter control registers,
Address 0x4015 to Address 0x4018).
If the PLL of the ADAU1461 is not used, the serial data clocks
must be synchronous with the ADAU1461 master clock input.
The LRCLK and BCLK pins are used to clock both the serial
input and output ports. The ADAU1461 can be set as the master
or the slave in a system. Because there is only one set of serial
data clocks, the input and output ports must always be both
master or both slave.
Register R15 and Register R16 (serial port control registers,
Address 0x4015 and Address 0x4016) allow control of clock
polarity and data input modes. The valid data formats are I2S,
left-justified, right-justified (24-/20-/18-/16-bit), and TDM. In
all modes except for the right-justified modes, the serial port
inputs an arbitrary number of bits up to a limit of 24. Extra bits
do not cause an error, but they are truncated internally.
The serial port can operate with an arbitrary number of BCLK
transitions in each LRCLK frame. The LRCLK in TDM mode
can be input to the ADAU1461 either as a 50% duty cycle clock
or as a bit-wide pulse.
When the LRCLK is set as a pulse, a 47 pF capacitor should be
connected between the LRCLK pin and ground (see
Figure 57).
This capacitor is necessary in both master and slave modes to
properly align the LRCLK signal to the serial data stream.
Figure 57. LRCLK Capacitor Alignment, TDM Pulse Mode
In TDM 8 mode, the ADAU1461 can be a master for fS up to
48 kHz.
Table 23 lists the modes in which the serial output port
can function.
Table 23. Serial Output Port Master/Slave Mode Capabilities
2-Channel Modes (I2S, Left-
Justified, Right-Justified)
8-Channel TDM
48 kHz
Master and slave
96 kHz
Master and slave
Table 24 describes the proper configurations for standard audio
data formats.
Table 24. Data Format Configurations
LRCLK Polarity (LRPOL)
BCLK Polarity
BCLK Cycles/Audio
Frame (BPF[2:0])
Data Delay from LRCLK
Edge (LRDEL[1:0])
Frame begins on falling edge
50% duty cycle
Data changes
on falling edge
32 to 64
Delayed from LRCLK edge
by 1 BCLK
Left-Justified (see
Frame begins on rising edge
50% duty cycle
Data changes
on falling edge
32 to 64
Aligned with LRCLK edge
Frame begins on rising edge
50% duty cycle
Data changes
on falling edge
32 to 64
Delayed from LRCLK edge
by 8 or 16 BCLKs
TDM with Clock
Frame begins on falling edge
50% duty cycle
Data changes
on falling edge
64 to 256
Delayed from start of word
clock by 1 BCLK
TDM with Pulse
Frame begins on rising edge
Data changes
on falling edge
64 to 256
Delayed from start of word
clock by 1 BCLK