Rev. 0 | Page 22 of 40
This section describes certain register details. Note that not all
registers are discussed in this section.
0x00—Bits[7:0], Chip Revision
An 8-bit value that reflects the current chip revision.
0x17—Bits[3:0], HSYNCs per VSYNC MSB
These bits are four MSBs of the 12-bit counter that reports the
number of HSYNCs per VSYNC on the active input. This is
useful in determining the mode and aid in setting the PLL
divide ratio.
0x18—Bit[7:0], HSYNCs per VSYNC LSB
These bits are eight LSBs of the 12-bit counter that reports the
number of HSYNCs per VSYNCs on the active input.
0x23—Bits[7:0], HSYNC Duration
These bits are an 8-bit register that sets the duration of the
HSYNC output pulse. The leading edge of the HSYNC output
is triggered by the internally generated, phase-adjusted PLL
feedback clock. The AD9393 then counts a number of pixel
clocks equal to the value in this register. This triggers the
trailing edge of the HSYNC output, which is also phase-
adjusted. The power-up default is 32.
0x24—Bit[7], HSYNC Output Polarity
This bit sets the polarity of the HSYNC output. Setting this bit
to 0 sets the HSYNC output to active low. Setting this bit to 1
sets the HSYNC output to active high. The power-up default
setting is 1.
0x24—Bit[6], VSYNC Output Polarity
This bit sets the polarity of the VSYNC output. Setting this bit to 0
sets the VSYNC output to active low. Setting this bit to 1 sets the
VSYNC output to active high. The power-up default is 1.
0x24—Bit[5] DE Output Polarity
This bit sets the polarity of the display enable (DE). 0 = DE
output polarity is negative. 1 = DE output polarity is positive.
The power-up default is 1.
0x24—Bit[4], Field Output Polarity
This bit sets the polarity of the odd/even field output signal on
Ball A7. 0 = active low = even field; active high = odd field. 1 =
active high = odd field; active high = even field. The power-up
default setting is 1.
0x24—Bit[0], Output CLK Invert
This bit allows inversion of the output clock as specified by
Register 0x25, Bits[7:6]. 0 = noninverted clock. 1 = inverted
clock. The power-up default setting is 0.
0x25—Bits[7:6], Output CLK Select
These bits select the clock output on the DCLK ball. They
include × clock, a 2× clock, a 90° phase shifted clock, or
the normal pixel clock. The power-up default setting is 01.
Table 10. Output Clock Select
× pixel clock
1× pixel clock
2× pixel clock
90° phase 1× pixel clock
0x25—Bits[5:4], Output Drive Strength
These two bits select the drive strength for all the high speed
digital outputs (except the VSOUT, HSOUT, and O/E). Higher
drive strength results in faster rise/fall times and in general
makes it easier to capture data. Lower drive strength results in
slower rise/fall times and helps to reduce EMI and digitally
generated power supply noise. The power-up default setting is
Table 11. Output Drive Strength
Output Drive
Low output drive strength
Medium low output drive strength
Medium high output drive strength
High output drive strength
0x25—Bits[3:2], Output Mode
These bits choose between four options for the output mode.
4:4:4 mode is standard RGB; 4:2:2 mode is YCrCb, which
reduces the number of active output pins from 24 to 16; 4:4:4
is double data rate (DDR) output mode; and the data is RGB
mode that changes on every clock edge. The power-up default
Table 12. Output Mode
4:4:4 RGB mode
4:2:2 YCrCb mode + DDR 4:2:2 on D[7:0] (secondary)
DDR 4:4:4 DDR mode + DDR 4:2:2 on D[7:0] (secondary)
12-bit 4:2:2